BSOD when using a certain RAM slot

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  1. Posts : 5
    Windows 10

    BSOD when using a certain RAM slot


    I've been having this BSOD issue for quite some time now during certain games and finally decided I should do something about it.

    Things I have done already:
    • formatted my pc
    • memtest (two times overnight no issues found)
    • Updated bios to a new version but not the newest
    • played around with my RAM sticks

    The last thing is where things get interesting. I've got 4 slots on my motherboard as per the manual I am using slot A2 and B2. However this configuration gives me a BSOD after 5-1 hour of stress testing(prime985)When I run one stick in slot A2 it is having the same issue. When I put the same stick in B2 there is no issue for over 8+ hours (longest I've run it for). I've tried reading and understanding the minidump files but came up blank. So I am hoping a more experienced guy can help me out with my issues. But my guess right now is that my MB has become defective, I really hope this is not the case though
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    Put the other stick in B2 and test it. That should tell you something.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I'm doing that now, really hoping someone can find a hint in the crashdump / other information though.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    Please fill out your System Specs
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    And turn off driver verifier.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5
    Windows 10
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    essenbe said:
    Please fill out your System Specs
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    Your System Specs will help us to help you, and doing it in this manner will make them available to all helpers in every post and keep us from hunting for them. We ask that you fill them out in as much detail as possible including Desktop or Laptop, Model number if it is an OEM computer and all components with the Manufacturer and Model number if possible.
    If you will go to your last post and click the 'System Specs' in the bottom left of the post, you will find a link to update your system specs. Please fill those out in as much detail as possible, making sure to click save at the bottom of the page. If you would like to know what we would like, you can click 'My System Specs' at the bottom left of this post to see mine. If you do not know what your components are, this will help you accomplish this task. System Specs - Fill in at Ten Forums

    And turn off driver verifier.
    Added more information, and I already have it turned off. Because when I had it on to test, my computer wouldn't even boot anymore so I had to do system restore.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    The purpose of Driver Verifier is to make your computer BSOD.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    Let's see what happens to the Ram test.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Did the test with stick 1 and 2 in slot B2 and it worked both times. The moment I move one to A2 it starts failing again.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    That sounds like a bad motherboard slot. See what happens if you put the sticks in slots the other 2 slots.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    Please let me know if you have any BSODs with the ram in the other 2 slots. I feel confident you have a bad Dimm slot. I just want to see if you have just 1 bad slot or more than 1. A bad stick of ram will throw errors in any slot you put it in. If it only throws errors in one slot, but passes memtest in the other slots, it is a bad slot not bad ram.

    You can try to RMA the board because of the bad slot, without any more testing, or you can see if the other 2 slots are OK and use them. The decision of whether to RMA the board will be up to you. If it were mine, I would RMA it. We don't know, and have no way of determining, if it is simply a bad slot or if it is another problem which will eventually get worse in time.
      My Computer


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