BSOD when using a certain RAM slot

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  1. Posts : 5
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I was really hoping someone elses opinion would be different from mine don't have much experience with debugging BSOD's but since it where so many different ones yeah I was right something worse was up than just bad drivers.

    The pc won't boot up if I put two sticks in slots different than A2 and B2.

    Just a general hardware question then, do you really think it's possible for a motherboard to suddenly die off a slot? It was fine for like 10 months before I got the issues.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12,809
    Windows 11 Pro

    Well, I think anything is possible with computers and computer components. I know yours isn't the first one that worked for months then suddenly developed a problem. You, just as a test, could replace the ram with another set of ram compatible with your board and see if you have the same problem. I looked at your dump files and although few offered much information, all were a different error code and different info. That is typical for ram problems.
      My Computer


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