3rd BSOD in a month
Last night I received my 3rd blue screen error in about a month. That one and the previous one said "system service exception (netio.sys)." I forget if the first time this happened the error listed the same.
Anyway, here's my log file (I hope it's alright. It saved on it's own with no prompts).
I'm working on an Acer R3-131T laptop with 4GB RAM. As far as I know, I have the most updated drivers. My computer came equipped with the "Acer Care Centre" which hasn't listed new updates for a month or so. Going directly to Acer's website there weren't any new updates that seemed applicable to me at this time.
I understand from reading another thread that some drivers aren't 100% compatible with Win10, and I'm assuming that's the issue here; just not sure which one(s) I need to do anything with.
Thanks in advance for your time!