Crash and Reboot randomly. Possible NIC issue
Figured I would post here to get some advice. I have a gaming PC that I built about 18 months ago that runs like a tank except for this occasional lockup I get. It locks up entirely and then reboots shortly after. It's only been doing this for the past few weeks and I get no BSOD. Today I checked the event viewer and saw that it saved a memory.dmp file with more info but after trying everything I can not get windb to open the dmp file due to symbol errors.
This board has a killer Ethernet adapter with garbage drivers that I think are my issue. The only issues I've had with this system over the past year have all been related to the killer Ethernet drivers. The system hang usually happens when I'm in a download client or leave something downloading for an extended time.
Log file attached. Any help would be awesome Thanks!
Gigabyte G1 Sniper Z87
8gb corsair ram
2 X gtx 970's
2 Crucial SSDs