BSOD pci.sys driver or Handbrake conflict
Good Evening,
This PC is about 10 months old, and this BSOD seems to only have started since I upgraded from W7 to W10 in September.
The issue is relatively simple really. I get BSOD's when running Handbrake and Vuze. Now I have not noticed it crash while only running Vuze, and I've seen Handbrake mentioned in crash dumps so this leads me to believe that it's Handbrake that is the cause, at least a conflict issue with HB and pci.sys drivers.
I have seen issues people have had with the Quallcom ethernet drivers too so I made sure I had those upto date incase the traffic with Vuze was causing something too.
I have gone through my driver list one by one in W10 updating the drivers and they are all upto date.
I have run MSI Live Update and updated all necessary drivers / programs that needed to be done.
I have run system scans with W10 backup & recovery.
I have run chkdisk and other scans within W10
I have run CCleaner.
I truly believe that this is a software issue and not hardware so I haven't gone through the whole checking of ram sticks etc. Plus I am about to move house so I don't want to start pulling the PC apart just now.
Here is the zip file of my logs and various information.
Attachment 44806
If you need any more info then please fire away. I just really hope I can put an end to these annoying reboots.
Thank you. Matt.