Please run linux
Okay, im in Linux Now, but it seems like Linux dosent like my Internett Adapter...
I can't help you with problems in Linux.
Please keep in mind while running Linux, it is a test for the RAM :)
Yeah, but how do i test it if i can't try it...
Just keep running Linux for a while, if it crashes you know it is the RAM as it only runs on RAM.
If it doesn't crash, it is certainly not hardware causing this.
Yeah, but usually it crashes while playing, so i can't really Test the ram cause i have nothing to test it on...
ok, ill just let it run for about 5-6 Hours more
Okay, i ran it for 4 and a half hour, No crashes. So it dosent seem like the problem is The ram
I would like to try the following
- Uninstall a program
- Test the system
- Crash? Install program again if you want and uninstall another program
- Test the system
- Crash? Install program again if you want and uninstall another program
- Test the system
- Crash? Install program again if you want and uninstall another program
- Test the system
- No crash? the removed program is a/the cause.
This is an easy method of testing the programs.