BSOD Critical_Process_Died
I have various BSOD Crashes. They occur during normal Browsing.
Firstly it was a "Unexpected Store Exception" in the help in another Forum at that time ( 2 weeks ago )
we managed to do a perfect SFC-Scan and a perfect DISM-Scan, which apparantly did not terminate the BSOD - Issue.
After the SFC and DISM - Scans the BSOD Crash did not show "Unexpected Store Exception" again.
It seems to remain at "Critical Process Died".
When I just restarted the Laptop, no Boot - Device was found, although I could select it in the BSOD - Start up.
I restarted again and the System runs smoothly. Dont know for how long.
Please help me!
I run Windows 10, upgraded form Windows 8.
PS: ( I somehow have a hinge that it got something to do with my INTEL HD Graphics Card and my NVIDIA Card, when I installed the newest NVIDIA-Driver I got an error message, VIEW IN ATTACHED SCREENSHOT )
How to Fix BSOD and Game Crashes On Windows 10 - YouTube ( Found this link, but I wanted to listen in with professionals here first if this might be the Key? )