ntoskrnl memory leak

  1. Posts : 38
    Windows 10 Home 18363

    ntoskrnl memory leak

    Hey guys. I've recently been noticing a lot of memory being used by my system. Last night I restarted it and turned the monitor off. Cpu usage was right around 5% and memory was only 2.5 gb out of 8gb. This morning I woke up and cpu usage was at 20% and ram usage at 70%. I had nothing running last night and ntoskrnl was using 25% of my memory. I have run malware scans and they come back clean. All my drivers are up to date. What else could I do to fix this?
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 47
    Windows 10

    I also have this problem. It appears to be widespread but the solutions seem a bit flimsy. I've tried them all and none have worked.

    Troubleshooting so far:
    • Turned off Superfetch (and all other bizarre Windows Update things)
    • Turned off "Show me tips about Windows"
    • Disabled Sdo Sensor V2 (I have a Surface Pro 3 and someone somewhere said that this was a problem)
    • Ran three malware scans. None came up with anything major
    • Tripple checked drivers (as much as one can when Microsoft is also the hardware manufacturer)

    And still...my RAM is being eaten like groceries.
      My Computer


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