Please run MemTest86+ as requested.
Hi, I will try running memtest86+ again but I had issues before in that it wouldn't boot with the usb stick.
Last edited by brokenspirit; 29 Oct 2015 at 13:36. is the latest wifi card driver (May 2015)
Attachment 45359 Attachment 45360 Attachment 45361 Attachment 45362 Attachment 45363
I still cannot get the memtest86+ to boot with a usb stick using the download on their page so I'm stuck for options really. I've tried downloading the .iso and using a program to create a bootable usb as well and that doesn't work
its gonna be a while i do not have any cds to hand
hi i had the same problem the cause is the latest nvidia driver(358.50) i rolled back to the previous driver and i haven't crashed since:)
just read that u tried rolling back nvm then.....
is 8 passes really required? its been running for 7 and a half hours and is only half way through the 3rd pass. 8 passes is gonna take over 24 hours
8 passes is required for conclusive results, less gives inconclusive results and is thus a waste of time.