BSOD (mostly Kernel_Security_Check Failure) Zipped files attached

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  1. Posts : 47
    Windows 10
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    Right so I'll look into the RAM and uninstall one of the antiware, so the CPU won't be one of the things causing the BSODs? Because I'll have to wait till payday to upgrade that.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    A CPU is something different then a PSU
    CPU = Central Processing Unit a.k.a processor.
    PSU = Power Supply Unit

    We are talking about the 2nd one.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 47
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Haha I know, mixed up my abbreviations there, sorry 😊
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 47
    Windows 10
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    Right just got back from work, it would seem my PC managed to stay on sleep without crashing, here the zip file, hope the logs will still relate to yesterdays crash.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Please remove Gigabyte software and AMD software, some are using known for causing BSOD's drivers.
    Please check Realtek and AMD for driver updates
    Rtlh64   Rtlh64.sys   Tue Mar 18 03:39:57 2014 (5327B1FD) //  Realtek driver
    PxHlpa64 PxHlpa64.sys Tue Apr 24 19:26:29 2012 (4F96E245) // Used by many programs*
    amd_xata amd_xata.sys Tue Jul 23 10:06:39 2013 (51EE398F) //  AMD driver
    amd_sata amd_sata.sys Tue Jul 23 10:06:27 2013 (51EE3983) // AMD driver
    *In explorer, please go to the following location, right click on the file pxhlpa64.sys > properties > details > screenshot > post the screenshot.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 47
    Windows 10
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    Attachment 43552There we are, I installed the newest AMD drivers yesterday, not sure how to remove the gigabyte ones
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Have you had installed any program from the list of this link?
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 47
    Windows 10
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    No, I have multiple Adobe programs installed, but not lightroom.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    warning   Warning
    Create a restore point before following the instructions below

    Move the driver to another location and see if there are any problems outside of the bluescreens.
    If there are any, move the driver back or use the restore point.
    If there are none, delete the driver.

    Note   Note
    Check your system properly before deleting the driver
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 47
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    So I moved the driver and no BSOD yet, should i try running a game or something to stress it a little?
      My Computer


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