BSOD (mostly Kernel_Security_Check Failure) Zipped files attached

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  1. Posts : 47
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I mean the supplier told me the RAM and motherboard were compatible, not sure how to check the BIOS. Do you want me to delete that driver then or?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    I have given a few times instructions for what to do with that driver.
    Here are they, once again.
    I hope this time Whats Gucci doesn't say anything about it. I am pretty annoyed about his reaction.
    axe0 said:
    warning   Warning
    Create a restore point before following the instructions below

    Move the driver to another location and see if there are any problems outside of the bluescreens.
    If there are any, move the driver back or use the restore point.
    If there are none, delete the driver.

    Note   Note
    Check your system properly before deleting the driver
    I need you to check the frequency of the RAM.
    If the frequency or voltage aren't right then it doesn't matter if the RAM is compatible with the motherboard as you'll still get crashes.
      My Computers


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