BSOD randomly browsing internet; ntoskrnl.exe

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  1. Posts : 74
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    Here it goes:

    Attachment 54266
    Attachment 54267
    Attachment 54268
    Attachment 54269
    Attachment 54271
    Attachment 54277

    Also, I played some D3 today and it seemed fine for 2hours, but then it crashed. And to make it worse, the PC reset automatically on 20% of dump creation, so I don't have a dump for that one.

    I launched the task scheduler afterwards and there wasn't anything overly suspicious there, but there were some failures in tasks:

    Attachment 54262

    for last 24h:

    Attachment 54263
    Attachment 54264
    Attachment 54265
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,903
    Windows 10 Pro

    FYI, I don't have much experience with task scheduled problems so I'm currently researching this, but I'm also awaiting the results of safe mode :)
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 74
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    I'm performing the safemode test. I had to use the "regular" mode though for work and I got a completely new crash that never occured before. I was AFK when it happened.

    Attachment 54376

    Dump included, maybe you'll notice something new there :)

    Attachment 54375
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 14,903
    Windows 10 Pro

    Please disable the Microsoft Anti-Malware scheduled scan task.
    You can always reconfigure it, but for now please disable it.

    The 0xFC(ATTEMPTED_EXECUTE_OF_NOEXECUTE_MEMORY) is usually caused by drivers, so the question would be what you opened.
    Also, please enable driver verifier

    Diagnostic Test


    warning   Warning
    Please make a backup of your important files and get your rescue media or create one.
    Please create a restore point.

    Please follow this tutorial to run driver verifier.

    Driver verifier stresses your drivers and will crash your pc if any driver fails due to a violation.

    Driver verifier should be performed for a max of 48 hours, or when you have a bluescreen, whatever comes first.

    If driver verifier has found a violation and you can't get back into windows normally, try to boot into safe mode and reset in safe mode driver verifier, or in the troubleshooting options open command prompt and type verifier /reset.

    Note   Note
    Your system will act very sluggishly while driver verifier is enabled, this is normal as your drivers will be being subjected to heavy testing in order to make them crash.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 74
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    I've disabled Win AntiMalware tasks, and also Media Center tasks just to be sure.

    Restarted the PC, BSOD after an hour. (regular mode).
    So far no crashes in the safemode, but I have to access regular mode from time to time to do stuff.

    Here's the dump:

    Attachment 54497

    Aaaand I'm off to perform the stress test.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 74
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    Windows crashed twice on startup with verifier on (at the moment where login screen is supposed to show), so I had to perform system restore. IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, both times.

    Sadly, I can't see any new dump files, did they perhaps got deleted during system restore?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 14,903
    Windows 10 Pro

    To note, I haven't downloaded the latest files yet, because I would like to check the most recent dumps first :)

    Can't you boot from the recovery drive and from there get access to safe mode?

    Is there a memory.dmp file in C:\Windows\ from the time of the most recent crash?
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 74
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    you mean safe mode with Verifier on?

    on a side note, I used driver booster 3.1 to update some of the Intel drivers that were really old & obsolete, but it probably won't change anything

    sadly memory dump is a week old (15 december) and huge (735 MB)
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 14,903
    Windows 10 Pro

    Yes, if the settings are correct verifier shouldn't cause a crash in safe mode what makes you capable of resetting verifier :)

    I would strongly suggest to revert back the driver changes of Intel from driver booster, it'll cause you problems on an unstable system.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 74
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    oh...didn't know that. I'll revert.

    axe0, can I get a dump file somehow? i guess that whatever crashes my system during startup (with verifier ON) contributes to this madness, but no dump files are created in the process anyway!
      My Computer


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