Ntoskrnl.exe and maybe sound device related BSOD on Skylake
Hi there
Since I updated my CPU, mainboard and RAM to the new Skylake plattform, I'm getting mostly ntoskrnl.exe related BSOD. Memtest didn't show anything after 7 hours but the Windows integrated memory analysis tool did, so I sent my RAM to RMA. Sadly, the new RAM didn't change a thing.
The "old" hardware (EVGA GTX 970 SC, Samsung 840 Evo 250 GB and 850 Evo 1TB) Worked just fine with the fresh windows install and the old Mainboard and CPU, so I sent the mainboard in too. After the new one arrived, I installed Windows 8.1 to activate Win 10 with the new hardware. The BSOD continued. Some runs with driver verifier didn't show any new evidence, so I decided to strip off some hardware. I ran the system just with the integrated graphics and it was stable for multiple hours.
The next day I put the GPU in again. BSOD. I tried to put in a GTX 570 to negate a hardware failure. BSOD again. Finally I stripped the Nvidia drivers off my PC with DDU and installed them again, just without the 3D and audio drivers from Nvidia. My system worked like a charm. I was finally able to updrade to Windows 10 and use it for multiple hours of gaming and browsing the internet. I did some restarts and it stayed stable.
Today in the morning I proceeded to install my soundcard and their drivers. The night before I was just using my external ODAC soundcard. More or less 5 minutes after that and watching some YouTube videos, I got one of the old ntoskrnl.exe related BSOD again. I threw the soundcard out and the drivers off my PC and tried the integrated one. Again, a BSOD after some minutes of light use. I deactivated that soundcard in the windows settings again and went back to my external ODAC. My system has been running for 1.5 hours without any problem again.
After this long and frustrating story, I'm assuming that my Sabertooth Z170 (which has the newest BIOS and drivers) is a fiddly little diva and dislikes any type or form of internal audio solution. Now I want to ask you, if there could be a possible solution to this problem. Below you can find my system information with those dump files from the newest BSOD.