BSOD after exiting a game: Page Fault in Non Paged Area
Hi there,
so as the title suggests, I had just closed my "Metal Gear Solid V" game and returned to desktop when I got a BSOD. The BSOD said there was a page fault in a non paged area, as well as an error with a .dll file but I didn't manage to get its name.
I've never gotten a BSOD on this computer before. I've had the computer for a little over a year now. Also I've played that game for over a month with no problems.
The computer has been functioning normally thus far.
I've attached a .zip file in accordance to this link:
BSOD - Posting Instructions - Windows 10 Forums
I also have the larger memory dump file if needed, just ask for me to upload it.
I hope to hear from you soon, and thank you in advance for your help.