BSOD updating Win 10 Build 10547 to 10565

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 8.1

    BSOD updating Win 10 Build 10547 to 10565

    Windows 10 fails to update to the latest insider build on my computer. The update downloads the files and appears to get through the first 2 reboots fine (71% complete - Installing features and drivers). However, immediately after it completes the next reboot and goes to configuring settings I get a BSOD with a BAD_POOL_CALLER error. I've looked at the Update.log file and it's filled with multiple repeats of the same error:

    1600/12/31 19:00:00.0000000 1420 13136 Unknown( 196): GUID=05debca2-5173-0199-b512-bf83b62e0f1d (No Format Information found).
    1600/12/31 19:00:00.0000000 1420 13136 Unknown( 11): GUID=a54b7bcd-c88e-3f07-bb9c-85d58bd4cde3 (No Format Information found).
    1600/12/31 19:00:00.0000000 1420 13136 Unknown( 145): GUID=31209fa9-7652-43b3-cb6e-f2aca7edef9c (No Format Information found).

    I did a search and I can't find those GUID's. Does anyone have any idea what's going on or should I just wait and see if the next Insider build fixes this issue?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    windows 10 build 545

    70]Windows 10 fails to update to the latest insider build on my computer. The update downloads the files and appears to get through the first 2 reboots fine (71% complete - Installing features and drivers). However, immediately after it completes the next reboot and goes to configuring settings I get a BSOD with a BAD_POOL_CALLER error. I've looked at the Update.log file and it's filled with multiple repeats of the same error:

    1600/12/31 19:00:00.0000000 1420 13136 Unknown( 196): GUID=05debca2-5173-0199-b512-bf83b62e0f1d (No Format Information found).
    1600/12/31 19:00:00.0000000 1420 13136 Unknown( 11): GUID=a54b7bcd-c88e-3f07-bb9c-85d58bd4cde3 (No Format Information found).
    1600/12/31 19:00:00.0000000 1420 13136 Unknown( 145): GUID=31209fa9-7652-43b3-cb6e-f2aca7edef9c (No Format Information found).

    I did a search and I can't find those GUID's. Does anyone have any idea what's going on or should I just wait and see if the next Insider build fixes this issue?[/QUOTE]
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    windows 10 build 545

    I have experienced the exact same error (Bad_Pool_Caller) at exactly the same point (Configuration) when trying to install Build 10565. Still investigating the reason - all drivers have been updated and my computer seems to be running fine otherwise.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3
    Windows 8.1
    Thread Starter

    Same here. I've updated my BIOS and checked my devices and drivers with no obvious issues found. The previous Insider build is running perfectly and the latest Insider build consistently BSOD's at the exact same point of the setup process. I've filed a report with Microsoft through the Windows Feedback app. You might want to find that report and add you results so that it doesn't look like I'm the only user having this issue.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2
    win 10 pro

    Bad_pool_Caller with update to 10565

    Same here.

    Surface3 pro
    Last edited by markk2; 21 Oct 2015 at 02:00. Reason: BSOD Logfile
      My Computer


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