Random BSOD

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Random BSOD

    every so often I get the kernel security check failure bsod. One point I wasn't running anything and it happened after boot. I added all my pc specs to my profile
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Hi OutlawM2S,

    Welcome to the 10forums.

    Please remove the ASUS software, this software is known for causing BSOD's.

    In case of
    If you are using a program like Ccleaner please stop using it while troubleshooting.
    This because programs like Ccleaner remove dump files that are needed to troubleshoot.
    Or configure Ccleaner to not remove dump files:
    Please move some files from the G partition to increase the free space to at least 10-15%.
    Every partition needs at least 10-15% free space so Windows can do its thing in the background.
    warning   Warning
    Less free space could cause BSOD's

    Diagnostic Test


    warning   Warning
    Please make a backup of your important files and get your rescue media or create one.
    Please create a restore point.

    Please follow this tutorial to run driver verifier.

    Some windows drivers are blamed in a few crashes, but that usually means that a 3rd party driver is actually the cause.
    Driver verifier stresses your drivers and will crash your pc if any driver fails due to a violation.

    Driver verifier should be performed for a max of 48 hours, or when you have a bluescreen, whatever comes first.

    If driver verifier has found a violation and you can't get back into windows normally, try to boot into safe mode and reset in safe mode driver verifier, or in the troubleshooting options open command prompt and type verifier /reset.

    Note   Note
    Your system will act very sluggishly while driver verifier is enabled, this is normal as your drivers will be being subjected to heavy testing in order to make them crash.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10 Home x64
    Thread Starter

    thanks for the reply the free space issue on my drive was only since yesterday it use to have 30% free on it while my BSOD issue has been going on longer then that. I removed the ASUS software it was from my old motherboard. I will try driver verifier later on and post back with the results
      My Computer


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