Crucial 128GB m4 2.5 SSD freeze after 1 hour. please help

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Crucial 128GB m4 2.5 SSD freeze after 1 hour. please help

    I just registered on this forum in hope for some help. Posted on other forums aswell, but noone has managed to find an sollution.

    I built my new pc a few days ago. Installed windows 7 on it and ran memory test and tests on all the disks.
    Everything seemed to work fine except for the pc freezing and giving me a bluescreen a few minutes later after 1 hour.
    It seems to have no matter if I do anything on the pc or if it just stands idle.
    I have checked and swapped all the SATA cables, tried a diffrent power supply and diffrent RAM sticks. All with the same results.
    I also upgraded the firmware on my SSD and ran a check on that.

    I upgraded my OS to Windows 10 today, only diffrence is that everything but the cursor freezes after 1 hour. And I get no bluescreen.
    When I reeboot my pc now without plugging my SSD disk out and in again, the error code 0xc000000 pops up
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 110
    Windows 10 Pro X64 2004

    Hiya and welcome to TenForums! :)

    You haven't enabled dumps, please do.
    BSOD Minidump - Configure to Create in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums

    Also snap a picture of the BSOD when it occurs.
      My Computer


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