BSOD while gaming (pes 2016, europa universalis IV)

  1. Posts : 1
    windows 8.1 pro x64

    BSOD while gaming (pes 2016, europa universalis IV)

    I have problem while playing games, i get bsod "WHEA_UNCORECTABLE_ERROR", bluescreen viewer blames hal.dll and ntoskrnl.exe. I have tired many solutions, did clean install of windows 8.1 and upgraded to 10, reseted bios, changed voltage on processor, changed PSU. Error is still there.
    GPU temp is 40 - 60C, CPU temp is 35 - 60C
    My PC specs are: AMD athlon 64 x2 5000+, nvidia GT 610, 2 GB DDR2, ASUS AliveSata2-glan MB and Codegen 450W PSU, i know that PC is old, but mainly it is used for movies and browsing net, and games that can run.
    I had this error before from time to time but solution was reseting BIOS, but now it happens 10 - 15 minutes in gaming.
    Thanks in advance :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Hi emirm990,

    Welcome to the 10forums.
    According to your specs and the files you provided, you are running windows 8.1.
    This forum is for those running windows 10.
    Please create a new thread at BSOD Crashes and Debugging - Windows 8 Help Forums
      My Computers


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