BSOD Driver not less or equal usbport.sys

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    BSOD Driver not less or equal usbport.sys

    Hey guys,

    I am new to this forum and have googled hours upon hours trying to fix this issue. I have applied many of the given possible solutions but nothing seemed to help. This is my last hope, I would love it if someone could take a look at my dump files and point me towards what might be causing (and possible how to solve) this issue.

    I have a desktop computer running windows 10 and customized some of the components in it. It was bought as build set and never had any problems with it. I upgraded the video card and the RAM memory of it to make the performance more useful for me. Everything worked for a long time but then out of nowhere I started getting BSOD's. Mostly while I was playing games, so my thought went towards my video card being broken. I've ran some tests with furmark but there were no artifacts to be found and the temperature didn't pass 79 degrees celcius.

    I sometimes monitor my video card while playing games (I mostly play league of legends) and everything seems to be fine, no numbers that are unexpected or anything.
    The video card is also running at normal clock speed and I never overclocked it.

    There are only two registered dumps, I don't know why but sometimes my desktop freezes during the BSOD and the dump is not registered. I have CCleaner but I never run the cleaning function as this pc is running windows 10 (fresh install) for only a short period. I have changed the CCleaner settings to not clean the memory cache as I read in other threads.

    I don't know if I should put my computer's specs here but I'll do it anyways

    OS: Windows 10
    Motherboard: Asus M4N68T
    CPU: AMD Athlon II X640 3.00 GHz
    GPU: NVidea Geforce GTX 750 Ti
    Memory: 16 gb (2x8) DDR3 Crucial Ballistix

    tl;dr BSOD often (not always) while gaming, video card looks to be OK.
    Last edited by krulvis; 04 Oct 2015 at 19:39.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    Hi krulvis,

    I see you have KMSpico.
    This program is used for cracking Office and Windows.
    As you don't have Office installed it is clear you have a counterfeit (illegal) copy of Windows.
    Troubleshooting a counterfeit installation is useless as it is not known what has been modified to your system.
    For this reason, many if not all analysts won't attempt it.

    Please backup your files, purchase and clean install Windows.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Well, I actually have a legal version of windows 7 but I never got the free upgrade to windows 10 and really wanted to try windows 10, so I just cracked it until I actually got the upgrade.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 10,787
    Windows 11 Workstation x64

    Sorry we don't help with cracked software.
      My Computers


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