Bsod (irql_not_less_or_equal)
I have not resolved my BSOD's since my last thread and appear to have lost contact with my support over there.. therefore starting a new thread here, hopefully I can get the help I need!
V2 log file containing the troubleshooting of the error (UPDATED 2023-07-27)
This time with the following error message:
Failure: ntoskrnl.exe
What I have done so far to resolve the BSOD:
Removed the SteelSeries software from my computer (which supposedly was the cause)
MemTest86, ran a full 4 pass scan
Windows memory diagnostic tool, full pass scan
Reset BIOS-settings to system default
Updated all my drivers to their newest version, respectively
Current Windows version: Windows 11 Home
V2 Log collector -(2023-07-27_13-39-31).zip