Occasional BSODs a few minutes after startup
About a week ago, I experienced a BSOD a few minutes after starting my computer. A month before that, the exact same thing happened. I don't usually get BSOD's; in fact, the first I've had on this computer was two years ago, and at the time WhoCrashed identified Norton as the problem. The circumstances of the BSODs are identical: all occurred a few minutes after the lock screen, and all were described as "page fault in nonpaged area".
Considering that Norton was responsible for the first BSOD a few years back, it's probably not too much of a stretch to assume it's responsible for the last two as well. But WhoCrashed isn't being very helpful right now, and its reports contain even less detail than years ago. So I'm hoping that someone here might point me in the right direction.
Here's the zip:
DESKTOP-L0Q0BU0-(2023-06-12_00-56-08).zip - Google Drive
Note: The BSOD on 5/29 was entirely on me and has nothing to do with the issue I've described.
Last edited by lj551; 12 Jun 2023 at 01:06. Reason: Typos