Windows-10 Home: random crash with black, non-illuminated screen

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  1. IGT
    Posts : 22
    Windows 10 {64-bit)

    Windows-10 Home: random crash with black, non-illuminated screen

    A) Random OS crashing, some labeled BSOD and/or Kernel Power.
    Using the bare-bones ISO provided by and downloaded from Microsoft to a Usb drive. Post OS install, the random OS crashing seems to begin after all updates, both Microsoft and OEM have been applied. Regardless if a user is active with the user-interface or, if the system has one or two user-applications running, with the OS otherwise being idle, the OS will randomly crash --leaving the user with a black, non-illuminated display, yet the hardware remains powered-on. At this point holding the power button, until the box shuts-down; is the only way to recover.

    a2) Other times, not as frequent, the same machine will randomly generate a BSOD. I've noticed one cbs.log and numerous CbsPersist_yyyymmddhhmmss.log files. What key-word(s) should I search for to find any clues to my issue\s?

    B) In an effort to get a clue about these random OS crashes, I employ 'MMC\Event Manager', --which itself, will freeze\Hang, then display in 'Task Manager' as MMC. Task Manager\End Task, is the only way to recover. Given there are now two issues affecting the stability of the OS, I run --> DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth, then sfc /scannow, which will sometimes find then repair corrupt files, but never after any of the described crashes, has sfc /scannow found anything corrupt.

    More evidence:
    A report from 'Reliability Monitor' Attachment 389890
    The following text-output are the details associated with the first (top) entry from the 'Reliability Monitors' report. I don't have the experience to read the Hex output.

    Source Windows

    Summary Hardware error

    Date ‎4/‎21/‎2023 11:31 AM

    Status Not reported

    Description A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
    Code: 144
    Parameter 1: 3003
    Parameter 2: ffff910bc39256b0
    Parameter 3: 40010002
    Parameter 4: 0
    OS version: 10_0_19045
    Service Pack: 0_0
    Product: 768_1
    OS Version: 10.0.19045.
    Locale ID: 1033

    This next text-output from the 'Reliability Monitor' is associated with the second line down, from the high-lighted top-line. This entry happens --either just before the crash, or after the subsequent reboot.

    Source Windows

    Summary Shut down unexpectedly

    Date ‎4/‎10/‎2023 8:40 PM

    Status Not reported

    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
    Code: 124
    Parameter 1: 0
    Parameter 2: ffffd88667b17028
    Parameter 3: bc002800
    Parameter 4: c0135
    OS version: 10_0_19045
    Service Pack: 0_0
    Product: 768_1
    OS Version: 10.0.19045.
    Locale ID: 1033

    Device Specifications:
    Device name Life
    Processor AMD Ryzen 7 4800H with Radeon Graphics 2.90 GHz
    Installed RAM 16.0 GB (15.4 GB usable)
    Device ID N/A
    Product ID N/A
    System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
    Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

    Name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660
    Adapter Type NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti, NVIDIA compatible
    Adapter Description NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

    Name AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics
    Adapter Type AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x1636), Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. compatible

    Windows Specifications:
    Edition Windows 10 Home
    Version 22H2
    Installed on ‎3/‎26/‎2023
    OS build 19045.2846
    Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0

    Clean/fresh installs of the OS does not resolve either the OS-crashing or the MMC\Event Manager freeze\hanging. I have not yet discovered any output from Windows-10 log files, reports or --the OEM 'MyAsus' diagnostic application, that tells which hardware device and/or driver, is prompting Windows to generate the 'Hardware error' displayed in the above image; MyAsus does not find anything ill-behaved system-wide. Lastly, for this post, please note, not always do the 'shutdowns' and 'Hardware errors' happen within close proximity (time) of one another. Does anyone have thoughts on this?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 402
    Windows 10 and Windows 11

    Can you upload logs and dumps as per this please: BSOD - Posting Instructions?
      My Computer

  3. IGT
    Posts : 22
    Windows 10 {64-bit)
    Thread Starter

    Log request ...

    ubuysa said:
    Can you upload logs and dumps as per this please: BSOD - Posting Instructions?
    Apologies for not using the suggested script for collecting logs and/or log data. I won't blindly use scripts I didn't write. I also don't have enough cloud-space. logs would get deleted in short order. If you tell/suggest what criteria to use and logs to search, I'll happily paste and/or attach that info to this thread. The most important for me to know is, what logs the community feels is useful to help?

    Last edited by IGT; 28 Apr 2023 at 13:23. Reason: Added more text.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 885
    10 Pro/11 Pro Dual Boot

    IGT said:
    Apologies for not using the suggested script for collecting logs and/or log data. I won't blindly use scripts I didn't write. I also don't have enough cloud-space. logs would get deleted in short order. If you tell/suggest what criteria to use and logs to search, I'll happily paste and/or attach that info to this thread. The most important for me to know is, what logs the community feels is useful to help?

    it can be viewed before running it, it doesnt do anything bad. it collects information that we need to troubleshoot your issue instead of guessing.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 402
    Windows 10 and Windows 11

    IGT said:
    Apologies for not using the suggested script for collecting logs and/or log data. I won't blindly use scripts I didn't write. I also don't have enough cloud-space. logs would get deleted in short order. If you tell/suggest what criteria to use and logs to search, I'll happily paste and/or attach that info to this thread. The most important for me to know is, what logs the community feels is useful to help?

    It's going to be hard to troubleshoot without any data. I understand your reticence to run scripts you didn't write, but if you won't trust the data collector tool here how will you have any confidence in anything we might ask you to do?

    It's like going to the doctor but refusing to let them examine you.....
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 45,695
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Plus many have used the script, no issues reported.

    And you can of course ask yourself whether tenforums is a respected site or not- presumably you wouldn't have come here otherwise.

    Feel free to upload the script to Virustotal.

    Post OS install, the random OS crashing seems to begin after all updates,
    Sorry to ask the 'obvious' question...

    If you clean install the O/S and DO NOT accept updates as part of the installation, do you experience any crashes?

    When did this start? With which O/S build did this not happen?

    If you boot your PC from a live boot disk (Google if unsure - e.g. Hiren's, Bob Omb's...) do you experience any crashes?
      My Computers

  7. IGT
    Posts : 22
    Windows 10 {64-bit)
    Thread Starter

    ubuysa said:
    It's going to be hard to troubleshoot without any data. I understand your reticence to run scripts you didn't write, but if you won't trust the data collector tool here how will you have any confidence in anything we might ask you to do?
    I don't have any issues with running native Windows commands (manually}. My reluctance is via any non-native (Windows) script. That said, what data from what named-log is Tenforums asking for? I'll get and manually upload/attach to this thread or, providing our network allows the connection, to Virustotal.

    - - - Updated - - -

    dalchina said:
    Plus many have used the script, no issues reported.
    And you can of course ask yourself whether tenforums is a respected site or not- presumably you wouldn't have come here otherwise.
    This is not a concern
    dalchina said:
    Sorry to ask the 'obvious' question...
    If you clean install the O/S and DO NOT accept updates as part of the installation, do you experience any crashes?
    Have never tied that. If, or when asked by a helping entity, which to this point has been Asus, --whether or not things were up-to-date, I wanted to provided an honest answer of 'Yes'
    dalchina said:
    When did this start? With which O/S build did this not happen?
    The OS crashing never happened with the OEM preload. Approximately 2022\March, after the MS\ISO install, from a flash-drive --and across numerous OS updates --is when the OS began its ill behavior.

    a) This box was preloaded with bloatware we would never use. All efforts to resolve one or more issues, hangs and hard crashes, with a 'required' third-party application failed; on this Asus box. Yet, on another ten year-old machine, -- Lenovo T-440 (Intel), these problems are not as bad.

    Across numerous 'clean' installs of the preload, both myself and Asus tech-supp found that some items were not being installed correctly, including the 'MyAsus' app, --even though 'Device Manager' and the MyAsus application were, and continues to report --device drivers are up-to-date and the associated device is working properly. Yet, 'Event Viewer' has frequent warnings pointing to, but 'not' naming a particular, not always the same, device.

    b) Thinking it maybe some sort of issue with the preload, we found that Microsoft is providing a Windows-10 bare-bones ISO download\install, based on the version of the OEM install; we happily accepted. Post bare-bones install, our required third-part application became tamed; no more third-party app crashes, very little hang\ing. This is when Win-10 itself begins to misbehave, starting with MMC\Event-Viewer freezing\hanging while using its included 'search' function.

    c) While the Microsoft bare-bones ISO 'initially' helped calm-down our required third-party app, the description within our original post has and continues to get progressively worse, 'seemingly' after a main OS update

    dalchina said:
    If you boot your PC from a live boot disk (Google if unsure - e.g. Hiren's, Bob Omb's...) do you experience any crashes?
    The only items I've ever used to boot this Asus, was the OEM preload and the MS bare-bones ISO.

    I was honestly hoping to get help with reading and understanding what 'Event-Viewer', 'Reliability Monitor' and the CBS logs are reporting. Learning that would be huge, and may lead me to what is generating these critical errors and BSOD shutdown's
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 402
    Windows 10 and Windows 11

    I'm as security conscious as anyone, more so in fact, because I used to be responsible for OS security on three large IBM mainframes back in the day, so I know a bit about security. I do however, think you're in danger of taking caution beyond the point of reasonableness in not providing the data we ask for in order to be able to properly help you. Baby and bathwater springs to mind.

    It's your call of course but I'm afraid that if you won't run the tool we provide then I'm unable to assist you further.
      My Computer

  9. IGT
    Posts : 22
    Windows 10 {64-bit)
    Thread Starter

    ubuysa said:
    I'm as security conscious as anyone, more so in fact, because I used to be responsible for OS security on three large IBM mainframes back in the day, so I know a bit about security. I do however, think you're in danger of taking caution beyond the point of reasonableness in not providing the data we ask for in order to be able to properly help you. Baby and bathwater springs to mind.
    I have asked at least two times, what data from what logs am I being asked to provide. I have also stated --I will run the commands manually, then provide the requested data. I'm still waiting for that information; or did I miss something?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 402
    Windows 10 and Windows 11

    IGT said:
    I have asked at least two times, what data from what logs am I being asked to provide. I have also stated --I will run the commands manually, then provide the requested data. I'm still waiting for that information; or did I miss something?
    Yes you did miss something, you missed thsi: BSOD - Posting Instructions. I'm volunteering my time and expertise to try and help you, but if you don't want to take the hand that's extended then that's fine.
      My Computer


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