BSOD on cold boot - when windows update is available?

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    BSOD on cold boot - when windows update is available?


    Recently I had troubles with bsod, but it was only on cold boot. After that I could use my pc without troubles. First time it happend around 2 weeks ago for few days, until I noticed that widows have new update. After installation no issues till this Wednesday, again bsod on each cold boot. I made windows update and it seems that it solves issue again.

    Im using WIndows 10 Home, 22H2 currently. Generally I try to have all drivers up to date all the time, I run memtest86 and no errors, I run OCCT for 1 hour to check CPU and no issues. I did not tested recently GPU, although I can play all day and no issues at all. Previously I had automatic windows updates off so I turn it on right now. Fast boot is turn off for long time.

    Right now it seems ok, but I would like to know what may cause these issues. So I would appriciet Your help.

    DESKTOP-UUHUOV1-(2023-04-27_07-29-52).zip - Google Drive
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 402
    Windows 10 and Windows 11

    All three dumps are the same, and all three point at the AsrVDrive.sys driver as the likely problem. We see this third-party driver called several times in the call stack...
    ffffd209`4d1098e8  fffff806`15d849a0 FLTMGR!FltpDispatch
    ffffd209`4d1098f0  fffff806`22832372 AsrVDrive+0x2372
    ffffd209`4d1098f8  fffff806`17000000 nt!VrpRegistryString <PERF> (nt+0x0)
    ffffd209`4d109900  fffff806`170d4db4 nt!setjmpexused <PERF> (nt+0xd4db4)
    ffffd209`4d109908  fffff806`1bcb0000 fileinfo!FIPreMdlOperationCallback <PERF> (fileinfo+0x0)
    ffffd209`4d109910  fffff806`1bcb80a8 fileinfo!PiRegStateDiscriptor <PERF> (fileinfo+0x80a8)
    ffffd209`4d109918  fffff806`15d80000 FLTMGR!FltGetCopyInformationFromCallbackData <PERF> (FLTMGR+0x0)
    ffffd209`4d109920  fffff806`15dab5e8 FLTMGR!FltpVerifierCodeSectionHandle <PERF> (FLTMGR+0x2b5e8)
    ffffd209`4d109928  fffff806`15d80000 FLTMGR!FltGetCopyInformationFromCallbackData <PERF> (FLTMGR+0x0)
    ffffd209`4d109930  fffff806`15dab594 FLTMGR!FltpVerifierCodeSectionHandle <PERF> (FLTMGR+0x2b594)
    ffffd209`4d109938  fffff806`15d80000 FLTMGR!FltGetCopyInformationFromCallbackData <PERF> (FLTMGR+0x0)
    ffffd209`4d109940  fffff806`15dab468 FLTMGR!FltpVerifierCodeSectionHandle <PERF> (FLTMGR+0x2b468)
    ffffd209`4d109948  fffff806`15d80000 FLTMGR!FltGetCopyInformationFromCallbackData <PERF> (FLTMGR+0x0)
    ffffd209`4d109950  fffff806`15dab420 FLTMGR!FltpVerifierCodeSectionHandle <PERF> (FLTMGR+0x2b420)
    ffffd209`4d109958  fffff806`17000000 nt!VrpRegistryString <PERF> (nt+0x0)
    ffffd209`4d109960  fffff806`170c9f18 nt!setjmpexused <PERF> (nt+0xc9f18)
    ffffd209`4d109968  fffff806`22830000 AsrVDrive
    ffffd209`4d109970  fffff806`22836048 AsrVDrive+0x6048
    ffffd209`4d109978  fffff806`17000000 nt!VrpRegistryString <PERF> (nt+0x0)
    ffffd209`4d109980  fffff806`170d6818 nt!setjmpexused <PERF> (nt+0xd6818)
    This driver is a component of the ASRock 3TB 'Unlocker' tool. I'd be interested to know why you need to run that tool? Unless you have a real need for it I would uninstall it.

    If you really need the ASRock tool then you might want to download the Kingston SSD Manager tool and use that to see whether there is a firmware update for your NVMe drive. That might (possibly?) help.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thank You very much. I just uninstalled it and You are right I dont need it at this moment.

    Good to know it was only this application.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 402
    Windows 10 and Windows 11

    Let us know if you have further problems.
      My Computer


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