BSOD on cold boot - when windows update is available?
Recently I had troubles with bsod, but it was only on cold boot. After that I could use my pc without troubles. First time it happend around 2 weeks ago for few days, until I noticed that widows have new update. After installation no issues till this Wednesday, again bsod on each cold boot. I made windows update and it seems that it solves issue again.
Im using WIndows 10 Home, 22H2 currently. Generally I try to have all drivers up to date all the time, I run memtest86 and no errors, I run OCCT for 1 hour to check CPU and no issues. I did not tested recently GPU, although I can play all day and no issues at all. Previously I had automatic windows updates off so I turn it on right now. Fast boot is turn off for long time.
Right now it seems ok, but I would like to know what may cause these issues. So I would appriciet Your help.
DESKTOP-UUHUOV1-(2023-04-27_07-29-52).zip - Google Drive