Win10 V22H2 Frequent BSOD more than a week with varying error codes

  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 10

    Win10 V22H2 Frequent BSOD more than a week with varying error codes

    Hi there, I have been immensely frustrated dealing with seemingly random BSODs off and on for about two weeks with varying bug check strings and codes - I have also included an image of bluescreenview showing my BSODs this week. Sometimes my BSODs happen while doing something resource intensive, but there have been times where my computer crashes hours after I have left.

    Here is a onedrive link to the zip file (couldn't upload attachment for some reason)
    Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.

    I have run as many windows diagnostic tools as I can find and I cannot seem to find any issues with my hardware (so far). Any help would be so immensely appreciated.


    MisterHomes a.k.a. a very frustrated streamer

    Windows 10
    Version 22H2 (OS Build 19045.2846)

    Win10 V22H2 Frequent BSOD more than a week with varying error codes-minidump_viewer.png
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 402
    Windows 10 and Windows 11

    It rather looks as though the problem here is most likely flaky RAM. Two of the dumps have MEMORY_MANAGEMENT bugcheck codes, one is a CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION (indicating a memory pool corruption), one is a SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION (with a 0xC0000005 exception code indicating a memory access violation), and one is a BUGCODE_USB3_DRIVER (indicating an apparent problem with the USB3 core stack - in memory).

    The common denominator in all of these dumps is RAM, so I think it wise to download Memtest86 and use the extracted tool to make a bootable USB stick (it doesn't need to be large). You then boot that USB stick and Memtest86 will start running. Allow it to complete all four iterations of the 13 different tests. If it detects no errors then restart it so that you get 8 iterations of the tests run.

    Let's see what Memtest86 has to say first.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the reply, ubuysa.

    I have been trying all day to get memtest86 to work but I am unable to get it to boot from my USB stick.

    I did a little bit of searching and found out my computer was not booting in secure mode, so I turned that on and used some default security keys but the USB still would not boot properly; it would just skip straight to windows boot. I double checked that the USB is the top boot priority.

    My current theory is that my USB might not support UEFI booting (I have only old USBs). I read that the USB needs to be formatted in FAT32 to be a boot drive (is this correct?) So I did that, but when I created the image on the USB and checked the USB drive properties it said its format was just FAT and not FAT32.

    Is my theory correct, or is there something else I haven't considered?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Here is a picture of what my UEFI boot options look like (neither partition 1 nor 2 boot)

    Win10 V22H2 Frequent BSOD more than a week with varying error codes-uefi_bios_picture.png
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 402
    Windows 10 and Windows 11

    The tool you extract from the download (imageUSB.exe) will do everything necessary to create a bootable USB drive, you don't need to format (or even erase) the USB drive first. There are instructions on how to make a bootable USB drive here: MemTest86 - Creating a MemTest86 boot disk in Windows.

    Memtest86 does require a UEFI boot, which you really should be using anyway with Windows 10. You boot the USB drive, rather than a partition on the drive, see here: Booting MemTest86.

    There is more information on UEFI booting here: MemTest86 - Booting v5 or later in UEFI.

    You can always run the Windows memory diagnostic tool, though it's nowhere near as thorough as Memtest86. If the Windows tool finds RAM errors then you definitely have a RAM problem!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4
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    I was able to finally get memtest to work - it has confirmed your suspicions with about 1,500 errors per pass. I noticed a couple of interesting things from these results; would you be able to help me interpret them?

    1. Errors occurred predominantly on tests 4 and 5 (moving inversions - 8 bit and random patterns)

    2. Most of the errors seem to be off by a consistent amount of 4 between expected and actual: Some examples;
    Expected: 02020202 Actual: 02020206
    Expected: EFEFEFEF Actual: EFEFEFEB

    3. Errors appeared to only occur on one range of memory addresses - I am guessing this means that only one of my 2 sticks is faulty? Either way I should probably replace them both (they are about 4-5 years old)

    Thanks for all your help thus far, I am hoping that with your advice on these errors we can put the issue to rest.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 402
    Windows 10 and Windows 11

    There is no interpretation needed, your RAM is bad and needs replacing. You can try testing each stick at a time but even if it is just one stick that's faulty it's wise to replace these two sticks with a matched pair.

    Buy a pack of two 8GB 2667MHz RAM sticks, from the QVL of your CPU and/or motherboard, rather than buying two separate RAM sticks. Unmatched (or non-QVL) RAM often causes issues. RAM sticks sold in a pack are a matched pair.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 4
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Got a new couple RAM sticks (had all sorts of other problems installing them initially, but those have been solved)

    I think things are solved for the time being. Thanks for all your help.
      My Computer


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