Hello and Help with BSODs mostly IRQL_NOT...

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10 Home 22H2

    Hello and Help with BSODs mostly IRQL_NOT...

    Hello Folks,
    Windows Version: 10.0.19045 Build 19045
    Ive been having trouble with my computer BSODing while gaming and 3D modeling. I've had the hard drive switched and ive ran the MemTest thing a while back and I switched out the ram completely... no luck. Same BSODs keep happening.

    Heres some of the Errors ive gotten

    Heres my Reliability Monitor for the last couple days
    Hello and Help with BSODs mostly IRQL_NOT...-reliability_report_bsods_teyos808.png

    Heres the V2 Log Collector
    DESKTOP-MRM44CB-(2023-03-27_07-37-43).zip - Google Drive

    Any help/advice would be much appreciated.
    Thank you for your consideration,
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 402
    Windows 10 and Windows 11

    The two 0x192 dumps don't provide any useful clues, but the other 3 dumps all point at Riot Vanguard as the likely cause. All three dumps show calls to vgk.sys on the call stack, this is the Vanguard kernel mode driver...
    8: kd> !dpx
    Start memory scan  : 0xffffb70a1128b948 ($csp)
    End memory scan    : 0xffffb70a1128c000 (Kernel Stack Base)
                   rsp : 0xffffb70a1128b948 : 0xfffff8030a60e129 : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
                   r11 : 0xffffb70a1128ba88 : 0xfffff8030a609ce3 : nt!KiPageFault+0x463
    0xffffb70a1128b948 : 0xfffff8030a60e129 : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
    0xffffb70a1128b970 : 0xfffff8030a602a89 : nt!SwapContext+0x469
    0xffffb70a1128ba88 : 0xfffff8030a609ce3 : nt!KiPageFault+0x463
    0xffffb70a1128ba90 : 0xfffff8030a5f6200 : nt!HalpApic1EndOfInterrupt Trap @ ffffb70a1128ba90
    0xffffb70a1128ba98 : 0xfffff8030a41aa0a : nt!HalPerformEndOfInterrupt+0x1a
    0xffffb70a1128bab0 : 0xfffff8030a200000 : "nt!SeSubsystemName <PERF> (nt+0x0)"
    Unable to load image \??\C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\vgk.sys, Win32 error 0n2
    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for vgk.sys
    0xffffb70a1128bbf8 : 0xfffff8030a602a89 : nt!SwapContext+0x469
    0xffffb70a1128bc58 : 0xfffff8030a5feae6 : nt!KiIdleLoop+0x176
    I would suggest you either look for an update for Vanguard or uninstall it.
      My Computer


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