How To set up 'watching' regimen?
If a computer regularly has system crashes bad enough to require reinstalls how best to set up some kind of watching regimen that might see the problem accumulating, rising to the critical point?
My son has such a computer. Win10 of course.
He tells me it regularly crashes every month or so and he reinstalls Windows and 'that seems to fix the problem'.
Of course that's contradictory. If the thing occurs again then it wasn't fixed.
And if it occurs again on a new install of windows each time then it sounds to me like it's very probable it is not windows where the problem is but somewhere in the installed software - in his case all games.
I've never seen this angle questioned before and never thought of it myself until now.
We watch disk space diminishing and cpu usage rising and mem usage but that's all.
Is there anything we can monitor that might show the progress of a growing problem that would eventually lead to these 'crashes' that windows finds irrecoverable and eventually need a new install?
At the very least I guess I should be learning how to salvage the system logs after one of these events and make sense of them. New Windows installs leave the old install on the disk so they'd still be available I guess? And I think perhaps I should be initiating certain system logs - I think there's a lot of potential logs that are not enabled by default?