Unable to boot Windows10, "A recently serviced boot binary is corrupt"

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  1. Posts : 36
    Windows 10

    Unable to boot Windows10, "A recently serviced boot binary is corrupt"

    This is on Windows Version 10.0.19041.631

    So I'm currently unable to get into my computer. I got a Windows 10 installation file from a friend though when I try to repair it still doesn't boot. When I check SrtTrail.txt, none of the tests say completed unsuccessfully, though I noticed after every "Check for installed LCU" (Which take consistently longer than the other tests as well), it says "Root cause found: A recently serviced boot binary is corrupt."
    Does anyone know what I need to do next? I have a lot of apps and data on this computer I really don't want to lose.
    Also, if anyone can tell me how to run the log collector when you're unable to get into your PC, I can update with command logs.

    Unable to boot Windows10, "A recently serviced boot binary is corrupt"-screen-shot-2021-03-19-6.28.49-pm.png
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,442
    Windows 11 Pro (latest update ... forever anal)

    What's a "Windows 10 installation file" ?

    If you're worried about personal data (and have not backed up), I'd be grabbing a copy of that personal data NOW! before any further messing around with troubleshooting.

    Create a Linux distro boot USB (e.g. Mint), and restart your computer into that (DO NOT INSTALL, just run from the USB stick and the computer's memory). Very similar interface to Windows, and use that system to copy > paste your personal data to an external USB DRIVE (not USB stick/flash drive).

    Programs are another thing altogether, you can't copy/backup programs, they have to be re-installed (if it gets to that stage).

    After you've safely recovered/backup your personal data, then you can start tinkering with the miriad of fixes/recovery/restore/repair suggestions that will start rolling in. Personally, I wouldn't even be bothered. As convenient as it might seem to find a quick fix, I wouldn't want to run the risk of continuing on with a system that's had to be patched/reapired ... will it be a permanent solution, and/or where else is a problem going to pop up. And sometimes these discussion threads can go on for days, far longer than it would have taken to wipe and re-install.

    Worst case scenario - Windows 10 is still free to download, and the license key is "embedded" with your device (i.e. you won't need it for any re-installation). Do a clean install of Windows 10. Re-install software, restore personal data. A PITA but often the cost of being a computer owner. And then when you've done this, use Macrium Reflect (freeware) to take an image of the completed installation/setup ... the law of averages says : if you're prepared for next time it might happen, it isn't going to happen.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 42,975
    windows 10 professional version 1607 build 14393.969 64 bit

    Please perform the following steps:

    1) Find 3 or 4 flash drives that you can format (> or = 8 GB)

    2) Make tools that can be used to recover important files, test the drives, and troubleshoot

    3) On a working computer create:

    a) a new bootable windows 10 iso 20H2:
    Download Windows 10 ISO File
    Download Windows 10 ISO File
    Create Bootable USB Flash Drive to Install Windows 10
    Create Bootable USB Flash Drive to Install Windows 10

    b) bootable Ubuntu flash drive:
    Create a bootable USB stick on Windows | Ubuntu tutorials
    Create a bootable USB stick on Windows | Ubuntu
    Linux to the rescue! How Ubuntu can help a computer in distress | PCWorld

    c) Kyhi boot rescue flash drive:
    Toolkit Item: Kyhi’s Rescue Disk – Win10.Guru
    You are being redirected...

    d) Macrium rescue media:
    Macrium Software | Macrium Reflect Free
    Macrium Software | Macrium Reflect Free
    Creating rescue media - KnowledgeBase v7 - Macrium Reflect Knowledgebase - KnowledgeBase v7 - Macrium Reflect Knowledgebase
    Creating rescue media - KnowledgeBase v7 - Macrium Reflect Knowledgebase - KnowledgeBase v7 - Macrium Reflect Knowledgebase
    Fixing Windows boot problems - KnowledgeBase v7 - Macrium Reflect Knowledgebase - KnowledgeBase v7 - Macrium Reflect Knowledgebase
    Fixing Windows boot problems - KnowledgeBase v7 - Macrium Reflect Knowledgebase - KnowledgeBase v7 - Macrium Reflect Knowledgebase

    4) Indicate whether you want to:
    a) continue troubleshooting
    b) perform a reset save files equivalent (reinstall drivers and applications)
    c) perform a clean install (reinstall drivers and applications, restore backed up files)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 36
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    idgat said:
    What's a "Windows 10 installation file" ?
    A bootable Windows 10 iso.

    Do I have to use a Linux distro USB, or can I just copy and paste the data onto my external hard drive?

    - - - Updated - - -

    zbook said:

    4) Indicate whether you want to:
    a) continue troubleshooting
    b) perform a reset save files equivalent (reinstall drivers and applications)
    c) perform a clean install (reinstall drivers and applications, restore backed up files)
    I definitely want to continue troubleshooting. I pretty annoyed about the idea of having to reset my files just because what I'm thinking was an update problem.

    Can you also tell me the purpose of steps b through d? I already have a bootable Windows ISO though I'm curious if it's necessary to use different flash drives (which I do not have), or if I could install these programs onto my external hard drive.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 42,975
    windows 10 professional version 1607 build 14393.969 64 bit

    If you have multiple tools then there are more troubleshooting options.

    A second flash drive is useful to transfer files from a problematic to a working computer.

    This problem had occurred on one of my computers and I ended up performing a custom install.
    (requires the reinstallation of drivers and applications)

    You can attempt to uninstall any pending or recent windows updates with the iso.

    For all steps take pictures of the commands with results > upload into this thread
    Last edited by zbook; 19 Mar 2021 at 19:08.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 36
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I'm pretty sure the most recent update is what messed up my boot function, though when I try to uninstall my most recent update with the ISO it says there was an error. What should I do next with the ISO then? Should I just try the ubuntu?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 42,975
    windows 10 professional version 1607 build 14393.969 64 bit

    Please post all commands with results
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 36
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    With the log collector? I'm sorry I don't know how to use it when I can't get into my PC...
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 42,975
    windows 10 professional version 1607 build 14393.969 64 bit

    Posts were approximately 1 per hour.
    Did you want to work at that pace?

    If you post commands with results help can be provided.

    Soon I will go to bed.

    When you boot to the windows 10 iso you're opening Windows Recovery Environment (RE)
    Then you can open:
    startup repair
    system restore
    command prompt

    When command prompt is opened you can type commands.

    And you can view results.

    Then you can use a camera or smartphone camera to take pictures of the commands with results.

    Then you can upload the images into the thread.

    With commands and results help can be provided.

    If you do not post commands with results then nobody will know whether you made a typo.
    You may report that the command did not work.
    Then you never were able to use the command due to a typo.
    So post images of all commands with results into this thread.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 36
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I'm sorry I just don't know what commands you're referring to. I'm not sure what step I should do here, and I don't have a spare flash for ubuntu. I still have the issue of "path not found - c:\boot," when I try the "attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r -s" command to make the Windows 10 ISO work. Should I just delete this ISO and try the ubuntu or are there any other steps I can take here?
      My Computer


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