BSoD Bugcheck 1001 0x00000124 Help
I've gotten a problem with BSoD two times the last two weeks or so.
This is the error code I get in Event Viewer:
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000124 (0x0000000000000000, 0xffffb38f9c71b028, 0x00000000be000000, 0x000000000100110a). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: f75ac115-28cf-4d5d-a967-e523d01792c6.
My specs are:
Windows 10 Pro
2x8GB Corsair CML16GX3M2A1600C9 RAM
GeForce GTX 1070
Samsung SSD 840 EVO 120GB (main drive)
Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB (for games)
Corsair 750W powersupply
The situations where this occured: First time while playing GTA V for the first time, and I had epicgames launcher, discord, GTA V, BattleNet launcher, steelseries enginge and logitech G hub running for programs.
The second time I was just watching a stream on twitch and had discord, battlenet, epicgames and steam up and running, along with steelseries enging and logitech g hub. So this second time it happened it shouldn't have been any pressure put on my pc at all I feel like.
The PC is quite old, first built in 2013 Im pretty sure, then added the GTX 1070 instead of a GTX 760 in 2019 ish. Other than that, I havent done much with the PC, I keep it clean inside and so on.
I hope anyone can help me figure out what the problem is here, and I would be very thankful for it.
I added the minidumps from both occasions I got the bluescreen in the zipfile attached if someone would please take a look.
If I need to add anything more to this, please tell me about it.
Thanks! /Blurry