BSOD when safely ejecting usb drive (and previously, when unsafely)

  1. Posts : 1
    Win 10 Pro 18363

    BSOD when safely ejecting usb drive (and previously, when unsafely)

    Win 10 Pro ver. 1909 (18363.1379)
    I've had this BSOD intermittently over several months. I haven't found a pattern yet, so here I am.
    It used to be that if I yanked a usb drive without safe eject, the BSOD would occur (page fault in nonpaged area).
    Today, it happened when I clicked on Eject Device, without even having touched the drive. The drive in question is an SD card in my laptop's built-in card reader, formatted FAT32 for use with a mobile audio recording device.

    Please let me know if there's anything else I need to do aside from the log, and thank you in advance!
    BSOD when safely ejecting usb drive (and previously, when unsafely) Attached Files
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,904
    Windows 10 Pro

    It appears that Windows is illegitimately activated, no help is given until Windows is genuinely activated.

    My recommendation: get a genuine key from Microsoft or authorized retailers and properly activate Windows as well as remove the crack used to illegitimately activate Windows. To be safe that nothing came along with the crack, consider reinstalling Windows using the genuinely acquired key.
      My Computers


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