various different BSOD on new PC build
I built a PC a little more than a week ago. Within the first few days, I was having recurring issues with blue screens, seemingly a different error every time. Some of the errors I recall are System_Service_Exception, Critical_Process_Died, Kernel_Mode_Head_Corruption, Page_Fault_In_Nonpaged_Area. The blue screens did not occur during gaming, but I believe one or more occurred when installing programs or attempting to transfer files. On at least one occasion my PC blue screened immediately after waking from sleep, and another time it simply would not wake at all and I had to power off to reboot.
I fought with this for a few days and after running Driver Verifier got stuck in an endless boot to BSOD loop. However, it seemed to be pointing to a device driver for a Focusrite audio interface I had installed (What failed: focusriteusbaudio.sys). I had set up a restore point before running Driver Verifier so I used that to restore Windows and then uninstalled the device and drivers.
After doing this, I had no errors for around a week. Then, today upon attempting to wake my PC from sleep, it began a Windows update. During the update, I received a blue screen, Critical_Process_Died. After the blue screen the update finished and Windows seemed to boot normally. Shortly after, again on waking from sleep, the PC displayed a message "Windows has encountered a critical problem and will restart in one minute" followed by another BSOD, this time System_Service_Exception (What failed: Ntfs.sys)
Windows 10
Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.508)
Log files:
DESKTOP-0MVTDG2-(2020-09-08_19-09-42).zip - Google Drive