Post the following in a thread to point users to this Batch script.
GenFileList.bat - Click here to go to the BSOD batch repository to download and run this batch file.
- Part One Download AddGenFileList.bat
- Part Two Run AddGenFileList.bat
- Part Three Run RemoveGenFileList.bat to uninstall the Context Menu options
Written by Ztruker 09/30/2020 Updated 02/01/2021
Adds four entries to the registry to add Create File List and Create File List wSUBs to the File Explorer Context Menu and Generate GenFileList1.bat and GenFileList2.bat in the Users folder to support it.
To install the Context Menu options and backing batch support, download this batch file.
Download AddGenFileList.bat
To run the batch file, open File Explorer, navigate to where you downloaded the batch file then double click on it or right click and select Open.
DO NOT run directly from a Download as your anti-virus may object and prevent it from running.
Always download to your hard drive then run it from there.
When you launch AddGenFileList.bat, you may see this:
If you do, click the Run button or uncheck Always ask before opening this file then click on the [B/Run[/B] button.
AddGenFileList.bat writes four entries to the registry to add the Create File List and Create File List wSUBs entries to the File Explorer Context Menu entry and generates GenFileList1.bat and GenFileList2.bat in your user account folder under C:\Users, They need to be a permanent files. If you delete them, this function will not work
Command Prompt window output when run:Code:Updating registry The operation completed successfully. The operation completed successfully. The operation completed successfully. The operation completed successfully. The operation completed successfully. The operation completed successfully. Creating C:\Users\ztruk\GenFileList1.bat Creating C:\Users\ztruk\GenFileList2.bat ############################################################################# # To use, open File Explorer and navigate to the folder you want to get a # # file and folder list of. # # # # Press and hold the Shift key and Right click on the folder you want the # # list for and select [Create File List] or [Create File List wSubs]. # # # # Notepad will open with file and folder list for that folder. If wSubs was # # chosen then the file and folder list will be for the selected folder and # # all sub-folders. This can take a while if there a lot of nested folders. # ############################################################################# Press any key to continue . . .
These are the registry entries that are added. <youraccountname> is, of course, your user account name as it shows under C:\Users.Code:[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shell\printDir1] @="Create File List" "Extended"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shell\printDir1\Command] @="\"C:\\Users\\ztruk\\GenFileList1.bat\" \"%V\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shell\printDir2] "Extended"="" @="Create File List wSubs" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\shell\printDir2\Command] @="\"C:\\Users\\ztruk\\GenFileList2.bat\" \"%V\""
GenFileList1.bat supports Create File List and prints the content of the selected folder only.
GenFileList2.bat supports Create File List wSUBs and prints the selected folder and all sub-folders.
Be careful with Create File List wSUBs. If you use it on a folder that has lots of sub-folders and nested sub-folders you can wait a long time for it to complete. You can close the Command Prompt window at any time to stop it.
To use, open File Explorer, navigate to the drive/folder you want the list for, then hold down the Shift key and right click on the folder. Click on Create File List or Create File List wSUBs. The list will be written to %temp%\GenFileList1.txt or %temp%\GenFileList2.txt depending on which selection you chose.
A Notepad Window will open with the results in it from %temp%\GenFileList1.txt or %temp%\GenFileList2.txt.
Create File List output:
Create File List wSUBS output:Code:Volume in drive C is Lenovo_C Volume Serial Number is 544D-A1B3 Directory of C:\ProgramData 08/16/2020 10:03 PM <DIR> . 08/16/2020 10:03 PM <DIR> .. 08/03/2020 05:27 PM <DIR> Adobe 07/31/2020 09:09 PM <JUNCTION> Application Data [C:\ProgramData] 08/05/2020 08:40 PM <DIR> Brother 08/02/2020 03:47 PM <DIR> dbg 07/31/2020 09:09 PM <JUNCTION> Desktop [C:\Users\Public\Desktop] 07/31/2020 09:09 PM <JUNCTION> Documents [C:\Users\Public\Documents] 08/02/2020 02:41 PM <DIR> InstallShield 08/16/2020 10:03 PM <DIR> Karen's Power Tools 07/31/2020 08:33 PM <DIR> Macrium 08/25/2020 11:51 AM <DIR> Malwarebytes 09/01/2020 10:30 AM <DIR> Microsoft 08/01/2020 01:26 AM <DIR> Microsoft Help 07/31/2020 06:17 PM <DIR> Microsoft OneDrive 09/29/2020 05:46 PM <DIR> NVIDIA 08/08/2020 05:01 PM <DIR> NVIDIA Corporation 08/02/2020 03:44 PM <DIR> Package Cache 08/16/2020 05:04 PM <DIR> Packages 08/04/2020 08:28 PM <DIR> Realtek 12/07/2019 05:14 AM <DIR> SoftwareDistribution 07/10/2020 02:19 PM <DIR> ssh 07/31/2020 10:10 PM <DIR> Stardock 07/31/2020 09:09 PM <JUNCTION> Start Menu [C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu] 08/11/2020 04:49 PM <DIR> Techsoft 07/31/2020 09:09 PM <JUNCTION> Templates [C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates] 07/31/2020 06:10 PM <DIR> USOPrivate 12/07/2019 05:14 AM <DIR> USOShared 12/07/2019 05:54 AM <DIR> WindowsHolographicDevices 09/30/2020 01:28 PM <DIR> 07/31/2020 06:15 PM 0 DP45977C.lfl 08/08/2020 05:00 PM 10,521 DisplaySessionContainer1.log 08/08/2020 04:54 PM 5,725 DisplaySessionContainer2.log 07/31/2020 08:28 PM 5,696 DisplaySessionContainer3.log 08/08/2020 05:00 PM 12,990 NVDisplay.ContainerLocalSystem.log 08/08/2020 05:00 PM 14,767 NVDisplayContainerWatchdog.log 08/08/2020 04:54 PM 6,590 DisplaySessionContainer1.log_backup1 08/02/2020 11:05 PM 6,072 DisplaySessionContainer2.log_backup1 08/08/2020 03:48 PM 8,330 NVDisplay.ContainerLocalSystem.log_backup1 08/08/2020 03:48 PM 37,393 NVDisplayContainerWatchdog.log_backup1 08/08/2020 08:27 PM 566 ntuser.pol 11 File(s) 108,650 bytes 30 Dir(s) 920,744,747,008 bytes free
Code:Volume in drive D is Lenovo_D Volume Serial Number is 773C-8990 Directory of D:\X2 08/18/2019 10:21 PM <DIR> . 08/18/2019 10:21 PM <DIR> .. 12/19/2013 10:36 PM <DIR> DOC 12/19/2013 10:36 PM <DIR> MACROS 12/19/2013 10:36 PM <DIR> save 06/28/2020 03:39 PM 12,988 xprofile.add 07/26/2003 02:53 AM 10,434 xprofile.AsicE 08/18/2019 10:22 PM 2 test.bat 04/05/2020 03:38 PM 73 x2.bat 04/19/2002 08:20 AM 2,389 xprofile.BelgiumD 04/19/2002 08:20 AM 2,696 xprofile.BelgiumF 04/19/2002 08:20 AM 1,480 xprofile.Brazil 01/25/1996 08:31 PM 46,947 xapis.c 09/10/2012 08:31 PM 87,083 xprofile.def 04/19/2002 08:19 AM 2,011 xprofile.Denmark 05/19/2008 04:14 PM 46,945 x.dll 05/19/2008 04:14 PM 46,945 xwutils.dll 10/02/2020 10:20 PM 603 XCMDSTCK.DTA 10/02/2020 09:52 PM 638,564 XEAINFO.DTA 05/19/2008 04:14 PM 292,432 x.exe 12/16/2000 08:58 PM 253,952 xold.exe 02/21/2005 05:39 AM 294,912 x-old.exe 02/13/2008 01:07 AM 74,032 xprofwnt.exe 05/19/2008 04:14 PM 292,432 xwnt.exe 04/19/2002 08:20 AM 2,502 xprofile.France 04/19/2002 08:20 AM 2,449 xprofile.Germany 01/14/2008 11:41 PM 61,279 x.hlp 07/20/2005 03:22 AM 324,738 xwnt.inf 10/01/2000 03:22 PM 2,275 xprofile.Italy 04/19/2002 08:20 AM 1,468 xprofile.Japan 10/26/2002 02:27 AM 7,495 xprofile.mvs 04/19/2002 08:20 AM 2,315 xprofile.Netherlands 10/05/2003 12:20 AM 4,169 xprofile.perl 06/28/2020 03:40 PM 47,625 XW32.PRO 01/16/1997 02:59 PM 4,690 xapis.rex 04/19/2002 08:20 AM 1,979 xprofile.Spain 04/19/2002 08:20 AM 2,011 xprofile.Sweden 04/19/2002 08:20 AM 2,393 xprofile.Switzerland 12/04/2002 01:11 AM 1,906 xprofile.tcl 12/12/2007 11:17 PM 4,072 README.txt 07/16/2000 04:59 AM 1,223 xprofile.UK 07/25/2007 01:56 AM 59 X2 Macros Listing.URL 07/26/2003 02:46 AM 13,171 xprofile.verilog 11/10/1999 12:32 PM 143,555 08/03/2004 12:53 PM 261 editcur.x 03/05/2001 02:10 AM 425 isrexx.x 03/05/2001 02:10 AM 463 myedit.x 08/30/2000 03:37 AM 131 RRKEXIT.X 08/30/2000 03:37 AM 131 RRKQUIT.X 03/05/2001 02:10 AM 5,643 rxnote.x 01/09/2001 02:09 PM 1,834 testkey.x 03/24/2005 05:59 PM 22,945 cpp.xprofile 03/25/2005 12:13 AM 9,170 html.xprofile 03/24/2005 06:00 PM 7,997 rexx.xprofile 07/25/2007 01:54 AM 136,037 07/25/2007 01:55 AM 318,990 07/25/2007 01:53 AM 498,381 52 File(s) 3,740,702 bytes Directory of D:\X2\DOC 12/19/2013 10:36 PM <DIR> . 12/19/2013 10:36 PM <DIR> .. 03/21/2005 03:55 AM 3,847 x2style.css 03/03/2005 02:36 AM 826 blank13.gif 10/10/1997 06:17 PM 893 canada.gif 07/20/2001 05:28 PM 794 contentstab2.gif 03/03/2005 02:35 AM 843 darrow.gif 05/09/1997 01:46 PM 10,393 demo.gif 07/20/2001 05:28 PM 790 indextab2.gif 03/03/2005 02:31 AM 847 rarrow.gif 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 164,022 cmds.htm 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 32,499 defkey.htm 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 3,306 eos2cfg.htm 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 70,272 geninfo.htm 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 4,294 hexmode.htm 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 6,755 osdiff.htm 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 1,465 preface.htm 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 4,002 sampwin.htm 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 3,802 timecmd.htm 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 14,069 tutor.htm 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 103,586 uprof.htm 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 24,650 x2contents.htm 03/24/2005 09:20 PM 534 x2ContentsHdr.htm 03/24/2005 08:57 PM 83 x2doc.htm 03/04/2005 08:53 AM 859 x2docContents.htm 03/04/2005 08:54 AM 851 x2docIndex.htm 12/21/1999 09:01 PM 20,647 x2idx.htm 03/26/2005 04:09 AM 26,387 x2index.htm 03/24/2005 09:20 PM 524 x2IndexHdr.htm 03/24/2005 08:31 PM 22,258 x2doc.js 03/24/2005 08:52 PM 700 x2header.js 29 File(s) 524,798 bytes Directory of D:\X2\MACROS 12/19/2013 10:36 PM <DIR> . 12/19/2013 10:36 PM <DIR> .. 11/10/1999 09:46 AM 9,342 xeainfo.cmd 11/17/1997 07:56 PM 3,814 accent.x 10/24/1996 06:34 PM 1,060 allincs.x 12/03/1999 12:49 PM 2,846 apiwin.x 09/11/1997 07:13 PM 302 avg.x 08/11/1999 08:30 AM 848 back.x 08/31/1996 04:46 AM 3,641 bookwin.x 02/22/1999 09:05 PM 23,985 boxes.x 05/17/1994 01:55 PM 2,511 brac.x 06/17/1999 11:49 AM 20,851 cal.x 02/02/1996 06:58 PM 7,746 cbox.x 03/05/1999 03:42 PM 7,251 ccomment.x 03/02/1995 08:16 PM 2,194 cfuncs.x 10/23/1997 09:58 PM 10,200 chart.x 02/24/1997 08:30 PM 3,059 chk42.x 03/19/1996 07:27 PM 668 colours.x 05/21/1996 11:49 PM 566 cols.x 02/02/1996 05:07 PM 7,395 combox.x 02/22/1994 04:07 PM 1,046 comments.x 08/25/1997 07:31 PM 1,446 comp.x 10/10/1997 08:16 PM 1,864 copydown.x 11/20/1997 04:26 PM 2,793 date.x 03/17/1997 09:33 PM 6,243 defos2.x 05/18/1999 06:43 PM 1,168 dir.x 06/09/1997 07:03 PM 1,763 doc.x 06/21/2004 11:00 PM 223 editcur.x 11/19/1997 04:59 PM 797 env.x 06/08/1999 06:40 PM 12,848 expand_c.x 06/08/1999 06:40 PM 581 expand_s.x 06/24/1999 02:32 PM 4,918 favs.x 12/09/1998 07:43 PM 830 filer.x 02/02/1996 07:02 PM 2,680 fillblck.x 02/26/1998 04:24 AM 1,742 findall.x 09/04/1995 10:58 PM 5,855 foggy.x 06/24/1999 02:38 PM 6,352 func.x 02/21/1996 04:43 PM 2,028 funchdr.x 01/30/1995 04:41 PM 1,952 funcs.x 07/02/1999 01:45 PM 2,205 getnset.x 10/15/1997 03:04 PM 3,188 gwook.x 09/05/1999 03:07 PM 35,590 header.x 02/15/1995 04:12 PM 1,221 hideblnk.x 10/19/1996 04:18 PM 1,020 hidemark.x 11/19/1997 04:35 PM 6,398 hostedit.x 02/26/1996 03:01 PM 1,465 id.x 02/02/1996 06:57 PM 1,989 imedit.x 10/08/1998 03:39 PM 6,637 inclc.x 10/07/1996 05:11 PM 1,911 includes.x 10/19/1999 02:55 PM 21,396 ipf2html.x 02/06/1997 02:13 PM 3,679 kwhelp.x 12/21/1999 08:03 PM 44,095 lines.x 08/08/1996 04:46 PM 1,175 listall.x 02/02/1996 06:59 PM 9,314 load.x 01/23/1995 04:57 PM 1,145 longest.x 11/17/1997 08:44 PM 2,694 lorem.x 10/23/1997 10:17 PM 391 m2f.x 02/02/1996 07:00 PM 3,844 macx.x 11/30/1998 08:18 PM 4,875 mak.x 09/30/1998 07:02 PM 917 man.x 04/27/1996 05:15 PM 218 markmat.x 11/18/1997 08:10 PM 5,306 markstat.x 04/15/1996 07:34 PM 1,010 markto.x 11/08/1999 08:13 AM 7,261 math.x 11/18/1997 06:50 PM 235 median.x 02/02/1996 06:55 PM 1,383 newline.x 02/02/1996 06:58 PM 10,356 newline2.x 06/09/1999 11:46 AM 1,563 nlsyntax.x 10/07/1994 03:53 PM 1,309 noblanks.x 03/17/1999 04:15 PM 1,220 ns.x 04/14/1998 08:47 PM 2,660 prtcodes.x 05/03/1995 05:01 PM 593 prtmark.x 06/30/1998 03:29 PM 10,142 ps.x 12/08/1999 10:07 AM 11,143 qe.x 06/06/1994 04:17 PM 786 qquitall.x 06/07/1995 08:52 PM 1,243 quitall.x 06/23/1997 03:39 PM 779 rc.x 10/14/1996 03:07 PM 2,595 readfile.x 12/21/1994 06:21 PM 1,171 remove.x 09/03/1996 04:55 PM 1,620 removext.x 06/06/1996 02:35 PM 7,370 rf.x 03/05/1997 08:55 PM 1,149 ring.x 06/07/1995 08:51 PM 1,359 saveall.x 01/12/1994 09:48 PM 735 say.x 06/09/1996 12:45 AM 894 sayin.x 11/07/1995 03:09 PM 456 scale.x 10/28/1997 03:55 PM 443 sdev.x 07/29/1997 04:20 PM 7,731 sen.x 10/15/1997 08:04 PM 954 shel.x 05/19/1999 09:09 AM 3,286 showme.x 08/06/1998 07:36 PM 2,139 spread.x 10/23/1997 10:52 PM 1,017 stdin.x 09/11/1997 07:10 PM 302 sum.x 12/23/1994 05:06 PM 1,886 superc.x 10/16/1997 08:25 PM 5,854 table.x 03/22/1999 03:45 PM 3,386 tags.x 02/02/1996 06:57 PM 995 today.x 02/26/1996 02:58 PM 2,642 totlines.x 11/19/1997 07:49 PM 1,069 underl.x 02/16/1996 08:51 PM 4,546 xdir.x 02/08/1996 01:45 PM 2,882 xl.x 11/03/1996 04:55 AM 793 xt.x 100 File(s) 435,038 bytes Directory of D:\X2\save 12/19/2013 10:36 PM <DIR> . 12/19/2013 10:36 PM <DIR> .. 08/30/2000 03:37 AM 6,245 xprofile.add 08/30/2000 03:37 AM 131 RRKEXIT.X 08/30/2000 03:37 AM 131 RRKQUIT.X 03/02/2001 03:34 PM 198,626 4 File(s) 205,133 bytes Total Files Listed: 185 File(s) 4,905,671 bytes 11 Dir(s) 246,047,379,456 bytes free
A Command Prompt window will also open but it will close when you close the Notepad window. Also %temp%\GenFileList.txt will be deleted when you close Notepad.
If you want to keep the file remove the & del C:\Users\<accountname>\AppData\Local\Temp\GenFileList.txt from GenFileList.bat.
Download RemoveGenFileList.bat
To run the batch file, open File Explorer, navigate to where you downloaded RemoveGenFileList.bat, double click on it or right click on it and select Open.
RemoveGenFileList.bat deletes the four entries added to the registry that created Create File List and Create File List wSUBs entries in the File Explorer Context Menu. It also deletes GenFileList1.bat and GenFileList2.bat in your user account folder under C:\Users.
Command Prompt window output when run:Code:Removing entries from registry The operation completed successfully. The operation completed successfully. Deleting Btach files. ###################################################### # Registry entries and batch files have been deleted # ###################################################### Press any key to continue . . .
Last edited by Ztruker; 01 Feb 2021 at 14:33.