Bsod critical_process_died

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  1. Posts : 1,538
    Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64

    AMD chipset drivers -
    Kingston SSD firmware - check in Kingston SSD Manager - SSD Manager
    Last edited by MrPepka; 09 Feb 2020 at 05:17.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 24
    Win 10 pro
    Thread Starter


    Firmware for SSD updated to SBFKB1C3
    AMD Chipset Drivers to (1/16/2020)

    The chipset drivers on the page you referenced are newer than the one I found on the Asus ROG Hero VI page. Interesting. And I haven't even though of upgrading the SSD firmware.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,538
    Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64

    OEMs do not always provide current drivers. This even applies to chipset drivers. Only the BIOS always provide the latest. The AMD chipset drivers will match your motherboard. Firmware for SSD also recommend updating because it seems to fix problems with the system and programs crashing when the system is on Kingston's SSD you have
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 24
    Win 10 pro
    Thread Starter

    Another BSOD.

    But first, the AMD drivers and Kingston tools suggested by MrPepka improved the general feel of the PC drastically. In particular opening small text files is much faster.

    This is the second time the BSOD happens when I click "Save" in a program. As soon as the program became unresponsive I feared the BSOD coming. I were not able to open taskmanager, but one browser watching a twitch stream continued. I were also able to save a blog post I were writing in another browser before the screen blued out.

    Would it be worth moving the system to another SSD?

    And the V2 log collector:
    Dropbox - HAFX-(2020-02-14_03-54-22).zip - Simplify your life
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,538
    Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64

    You can try. With SSDs, it happens that they can fall without warning
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 24
    Win 10 pro
    Thread Starter

    I replaced the drive after MrPepka's last post. I used a system image created from the old win7 backup&restore. And for the first time in my life I read the manual for the disk. Firmware updated.

    It has been a week now and no BSOD's. I think I am going to call it fixed.

    A lot of thanks to MrPepka and Ztruker for helping. Also the tenforums in general.

      My Computer


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