BSOD (Unexpected_Kernel_Mode_Trap) When Playing Overwatch
I recently built a computer over the holidays with the specs listed in my profile. I have been using it daily for work and for gaming, but the last couple of weeks I got a BSOD error (Unexpected_Kernel_Mode_Trap) twice. I checked event logs both times and learned nothing. I also checked my gpu and cpu temps and they were well within normal limits. I don't remember installing a new app/program that may be causing these crashes either.
I ran the windows memory diagnostics and it came back normal. I also checked my gpu, motherboard, windows, and any other apps I use for updates, but they are all up to date.
My windows version is 1909 OS build 18363.592. I attached the V2 log collector below.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, this is my first time using a windows OS in over 10 years and I am really enjoying the performance of my system, but this happening so quickly, and somewhat frequently is worrisome.
Thank you in advance,
Ryan O'Connor
Attachment 264186