Lenovo C940 BSODs While in Modern Standby
As per the title: When in Modern Standby mode for extended periods, the computer is crashing. I know this from SleepStudy reports I generated. See image below.
Attachment 264137
This has happened 3 times in the last 4 days (only two of the instances are noted in the image above). The first time was after 1hr in Modern Standby, then again after 14hr, and once again today after 10hr. Notably, as seen in the image above, I tried to use the laptop after it had crashed, restarted, and then gone back to sleep on its own for 7hr, and I could not get the computer to start up again -- it simply wouldn't recognize any trackpad, keyboard, or powerbutton presses. I had to hold the power button for 15 seconds to drain the circuits, then press power again before it would come back on.
I've done the V2 mini dump report and attached for some assistance understanding what's happening.
Please help Lenovo's tech support are being useless, even though this is a new laptop bought direct from them!
Windows 10 Version 10.0.18363 Build 18363