You're welcome. Glad/hope we were able to help.
So I haven't gotten any more BSOD but I have instead been experiencing various crashes lately. System seems a bit unstable with hiccups like small freezes and games just randomly minimizing and system hang for 10 seconds before I can rejoin the gameplay. I'm at a loss for how to start troubleshooting. It seems to have started after I tried overclocking my GPU although it's still happening after I reset the overclock.
I feel like I should have a better experience considering the budget that went into this pc![]()
What games have you been experiencing problems with. There are several out that are full of problems. Do you have problems just with certain games or is it all of them?
At least you are making progress. I don't know a lot about AMD chipsets, but it is my understanding that they are sensitive with ram, both in good ways and bad ways. I looked at your Motherboard's Ram QVL list . The ram you have listed on your System Builder list is not on the list, in fact there is no 3200 MHz on that list. I looked on G Skill's QVL List for your ram and your board is not listed. In fact, all of the boards on the G Skill list are Intel chipsets.
I can't say and am not saying that is your problem. But, I think it could be worth investigating. Also, which BIOS version are you using?
Thank you for looking into it.
Yes, in fact the Ram model was a very specific pick that is known to favor my cpu. The ram is G-Skill 3200Mhz 14cl. I had to pay quite a bit extra for that model. I was told that it would work better than other brands, when it comes to overclocking. This model was said to work with the motherboard even though it isn't officially mentioned in the motherboard ram support list. I took their word for it, and here I am. I have indeed been running it with an overclock at 3133mhz that I stress tested for 8 hours (about a month ago).
Now I have reset the settings to default speeds (2118mhz according to cpu-z)
I'm gonna see if that will fix the crashes and freezes.
The games I am experiencing crashes in are games I have played regularly for the past years. Rocket League and Counter Strike GO. 2 competitive games that i'm sure work fine. It's definitely my pc acting a fool.
I should also mention that before getting the gtx 1080, rocket league did have the occasional freeze. Maybe 4times during 3 weeks. That could've been because of ram settings. However after getting the 1080 it became a different type of freeze and much more frequent.
Let's try this. If you don't already have it, please download CPUZ and post screenshots of the CPU, Mainboard,Memory and SPD Tabs. On the SPD tab you can select each Dimm slot from a dropdown list in the upper left of the screen. Just post shots of the Dimm Slots that are populated with ram.
As far as your ram, I don't know. I know that your board doesn't list it and the ram manufacturer only lists Intel boards. Neither of those things mean it won't work just fine. It simply means it is a gamble. As an aside, I bought an X99 board when it was first released, which was the first motherboard to use DDr4 ram. So don't tell me about paying dearly for ram.I think I paid around $400 for 16 GB. When DDR4 first came out it was more expensive than gold I think. I know where you are coming from.
Check your bios and see what your Dram Voltage is. If it is showing 1.35V, set it to 1.2V. If it shows 1.2V, try bumping it to 1.25V. See if that helps any.
As far as I can tell, everything looks OK except as I said before, I don't know a lot about Ryzen or AMD boards and CPUs. Maybe @CountMike will come by and take a look at this thread. But, so far it seems we have stopped the BSODs. Now we need to work on the stutters and freezes.
See how it goes first. If you continue to have problems, you can raise it to 1.25 and see if that makes any difference. Maybe CountMike will be on by the morning.
I'm pretty sure your ram is Samsung B-Die, which is supposed to be very overclockable and is supposed to do good with Ryzen.