BSOD playing Rocket League, ARK

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  1. Posts : 7
    Windows 10 x64 Professional
    Thread Starter

    Hello Ztruker,

    Thanks so much for your assistance. I would like to inform that the issue has been resolved.

    The memtest86 did not show up anything wrong with my memory, even after running 8 tests on each memory card. Then I did notice that HDTune tool was used to test HDDs and gave it a try on Wednesday. It was showing my HDD having high temperatures: 40º Idle and 48º while running tests(threshold was 40º according to the tool).
    I was under the impression that this temperature was not high enough to cause failures, but I was wrong.
    Yesterday night I did change my PC cabinet layout, moving the HD to a cooler place and now its maximum temp is 36º even playing games. And that solved the issue, the games are running smoothly, even I noticed a better performance in other tasks. So the HD temperature was really high for this model.

    Really appreciate all the help provided!
    I will recommend this forum to my friends for sure.

    Thank you!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,054
    Windows 11 Pro X64 22H2 22621.1848

    That's great, glad you found a way to fix it. I would not have suspected a HD temp problem either so we both learned a lesson on this one. Thanks for letting me know.

    Just to let you know, the symbol file problem cleared up mysteriously overnight so it was a Microsoft Symbol Server problem causing it. I was able to look at some of the dumps and one of the Verifier enabled dumps pointed to rzendpt.sys.
    BugCheck C4, {2000, fffff802ece126e5, 0, 6e657a72}
    *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for rzendpt.sys
    *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for rzendpt.sys
    Probably caused by : rzendpt.sys ( rzendpt+26e5 )
    Driver Description: Razer RzEndPt driver
    Driver Update Site:

    So if you do have future problems look at your Razer mouse as a possible culprit.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 7
    Windows 10 x64 Professional
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for your suggestions.

    I will keep my Razer mouse away for a moment and maybe try again in the future. Just wanting to avoid any possible issue. But yeah thanks for the advice.
    So it's been 3 days since the "fix" and the issue is really gone. My HD temps are ok now and no other issues were faced. Hope I do not need to use this forum for BSOD again hahah but glad to know there are plenty of assistance here.

    Thank you
      My Computer


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