Getting rid of Ad's in webmail -

  1. Posts : 118
    W10Pro x 4

    Getting rid of Ad's in webmail -

    Lo guys, long time no seen.
    Tried to get my Outlook web mail at to loose the ads (covering the far right side of the site) and once, many months ago, I found a link to get some kind of premium or subscription and tried to activate it, but to no avail. I have been looking in all kinds of settings but still at a loss.
    Using Chrome, tried in Edge same result.
    Any ideas?
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 135,079
    Windows 11 Pro (x64) 24H2 Build 26100.2605

    Coram Daes said:
    Lo guys, long time no seen.
    Tried to get my Outlook web mail at to loose the ads (covering the far right side of the site) and once, many months ago, I found a link to get some kind of premium or subscription and tried to activate it, but to no avail. I have been looking in all kinds of settings but still at a loss.
    Using Chrome, tried in Edge same result.
    Any ideas?
    Check out this link, if you are willing to pay for add free version of Outlook. Premium and Ad-free - Outlook
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 118
    W10Pro x 4
    Thread Starter

    ...and now I see why it did not work.... götterdämmerung, I don't have an outlook address as primary...
    Thanks for the link, I am not per se willing to pay for it, but I do have an Office365 subscription so I guess maybe it is enough to make those pesky MS scripts understand that.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 31
    Windows 10

    Hi there

    I haven't signed up for Premium or Ad Free, yet I don't see any ads when viewing my emails in my browser (Vivaldi).
    I can only assume that's because uBlock Origin is stopping them.
    When I tested it just now uBlock Origin is indicating that it's stopping at least 9 'things' wanting to show.

    Try that.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 118
    W10Pro x 4
    Thread Starter

    I rather stick to Chrome. I don't use any adblockers., I am competent enough to sort them scams :)
      My Computers


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