Watch YouTube videos with Chrome

  1. Posts : 6
    Windows 10 Pro

    Watch YouTube videos with Chrome

    How can this annoying nag be eliminated from YouTube ! I am using Edge and do not want chrome. I let Windows do Windows.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,113
    W10 Pro + W10 Preview

    W900 said:
    How can this annoying nag be eliminated from YouTube ! I am using Edge and do not want chrome. I let Windows do Windows.
    Google are YouTube,s parent company, and as Chrome is also part of the same it is only right they want you to use their product.
    Be grateful that both are free to use.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 6
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Yes - No or this is how you do it. That's all I need I'm well aware of who owns Y.T. I used to use chrome on XP, Win 7 but now Edge does a fine job and I do not want to clutter up my machine with multiple browsers. I do not even bother with CCleaner anymore. Just keeping it simple. The Chrome nag used to have a no thanks place to click and would not bother you until you completely left the site and then it would ask again when you came back. That I could tolerate. Now it pops up throughout the whole session every next video.
      My Computer


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