Google "Nag" on Edge

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  1. Posts : 1,031
    Win10 Version 21H2 19044.1645
    Thread Starter

    Super dencal ! I thought the tutorial was still required. Thanks !
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,031
    Win10 Version 21H2 19044.1645
    Thread Starter

    Finally solved the "nag" issue.

    Registry HKLM/Software/WOW6432. There was a registry key "Google" when clicked read "Chrome Offer" which I deleted.

    I am running the new Insider Build 16273, do not know if other versions would have the same key.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,031
    Win10 Version 21H2 19044.1645
    Thread Starter

    Spoke too soon ! Nag is back.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    I found a way to get rid of the Google nag using uBlock Origin. I've tested it on Firefox and Edge.
    1. Install the uBlock Origin addon and restart browser
    2. Go to so you see the nag
    3. Click on the uBlock Origin icon
    4. Click on the Eye Dropper icon (enter element picker mode) and you screen will darken
    5. Move your mouse over the nag (mak sure the whole nag is hilighted) and left click, you will see a box appear in the bottom right of your screen
    6. Move your mouse to the bottom right of screen (the box will become visible) and click on the create button
    7. Refresh browser and the nag should disappear.
    Google "Nag" on Edge-google-nag.pngGoogle "Nag" on Edge-google-nag-2.png
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 1,031
    Win10 Version 21H2 19044.1645
    Thread Starter

    Great find, Eagle ! Is this a permanent solution ?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    Great find, Eagle ! Is this a permanent solution ?
    Permanent as in, will it suppress the nag forever... your guess is as good as mine. It does survive browser starts, restarts, refresh, etc. and even turning uBlock Orgin On/Off :)
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 1,031
    Win10 Version 21H2 19044.1645
    Thread Starter

    Just accomplished, thanks !
      My Computer


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