All Browsers on Windows 10 laptop Do not Connect to Many Websites

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    All Browsers on Windows 10 laptop Do not Connect to Many Websites

    I have a Windows 10 64 bit hp laptop -- I have recently updated all drivers, etc.. due to a problem I am having. I am connected to internet, can access browsers, etc.. But, I cannot go to many web pages. For example, on edge, google chrome, and IE I can't even go to google. On firefox I can go to google, yahoo, etc.. and search things, but not be directed to every website. I can go to facebook, gmail, wikipedia, etc.. no problem. However, for everything else -- I get time out errors. I have my DNS settings set to that of google's recommendations. I cannot figure out what is going wrong here. Anyone solve similar issue? I should also mention that my tablet doesn't work either, same issue. My laptop has security software, tablet doesn't. My friend's devices work on my network, so it's not a problem there
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,482
    windows 10

    Welcome to the forum. Are any browser set to use a proxy? what security software can you disable it?
      My Computer


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