How do I set up win 10 with Outlook 2013 and British telecome mail
I have been trying to set up Outlook 2013 on Win 10 for the last week with no success at all. I log on to BT mail and change my password. The last screen is as follows:
Do you also use a mobile device, tablet or email program such as Outlook to access your email?
You do? Then it's extremely important that having now changed your password, you also update all of the
devices you use to access your email account, with your new password. Why not take the time while
you're waiting to do this.
The most common cause of log in failures is because the password in your mobile device, tablet or email
program does not match your email account so it's important that you do this.
For more advice visit
End Quote
Unfortunately, when you open Outlook, it immediately tries to log in using the old password before you have had time to change it.
BT then says that you have tried to log in too many times and asks you to change your password.
And so it goes on ad infinitum.
My internet provider is BT (British Telecom) a company that seems to be run from India. They refuse to help me set up outlook because that is their policy. All posts in the outlook forum show information that does not look at all like my Outlook 2013 set up screen, so they are no help at all. All I want is for someone in the UK who has a BT account to post a screen shot of the three screens concerned. If I turn on Outlook it immediately logs in with the wrong password and the whole chain starts over. One solution would be to turn off the internet while I change the password, but there seems to be only one answer to that, and it uses the Edge browser, which will not work properly on my computer.
I only use one device and that is my computer.
Please help anyone?