How Many Email Accounts Do You Have?

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  1. Posts : 72
    Windows 10 Insider

    How Many Email Accounts Do You Have?

    I just thought that since we were talking about which email format we use, how about "How many email" accounts do we have?

    I have 6 local email accounts through my ISP. I then have 5 more through Gmail, Outlook, Live and Hotmail. If I include my work that is another 2.

    So, for myself, I have 13 active email accounts that I really do use. Now of those 13, well 5 are actually created to keep "cloud" space to store free files, music and pictures.
      My Computer

  2. whs
    Posts : 1,935
    Windows 7

    Holy smoke - 13 accounts would make my head spin. I have 1 AOL account since the dawn of time and that has always served me well. As a backup I have a Gmail account that I really hardly use.

    My wife who gets more than 200 mails each day has only AOL and never complained. The other day we had no internet for 3 days and her mail backup was 637 mails. I could not deal with that. When I get 10 mails per day, I am already nervous.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 29,757
    Mint 21.3

    I have 3 email accounts one with my ISP and two with my domain can have as many as 1000.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Two: One Gmail and one Hotmail.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 519

    One with my ISP provider. One with
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 17,841
    Windows 10

    Five; Personal, Social, Work, my Committee and one for junk I may or may not be interested in!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5,833
    Dual boot Windows 10 FCU Pro x 64 & current Insider 10 Pro

    I have 1 MS/Live email account that all my devices sign into that includes an alias for junk that I can delete at any time if it gets out of hand and create a new alias. Works for me. :)
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 38
    Windows 10

    I have 5 ,but using 1 for 99% of mails
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 30
    Windows 10

    1 ISP
    2 Gmail ( One of which is spamed out and i dont rember the password too)
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 242
    Windows 7, 8.1, 10 | Linux

    Hey Dude,

    I've 4 email accounts, I use them like this:-

    • Outlook - For personal and professional purposes
    • Gmail - For rough use
    • Own Domain - For Business purposes
    • Own Domain - For Business purposes

    According to my experience, I feel much comfortable with Outlook than the other email providers.
      My Computer


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