Which email desktop client do you use and why?

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  1. Posts : 8,578
    Windows 10 Home x64 Windows 10 Prox64

    I have Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo running in the 10 mail app. seems to do the trick.
    I figure if I'm testing Windows 10 I might as well use it as much as I can.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    I might go back to using Thunderbird or..not sure. I'll hunt around for a fun one this week.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,261
    Windows 8.1, Win10Pro

    I've used several over the years: Eudora, CC:Mail, Outlook (most recent).

    Also use Outlook Web Access -- when I worked at a site that did not allow us to have local email clients on our desktops.

    But, when we used Outlook at work, it was primarily used for calendaring, scheduling, and conference room management, not just email.

    Since I started using tablets and smartphones a lot, for personal email, I went over to using WebMail all the time -- that way I can see ALL my incoming mail, regardless of which device I'm using.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Just started using Qualcomm - Eudora.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 278
    Windows 10 Pro 32-bit, Version 22H2, Build 19045.3754

    Speaking of web based mail client's..one of my client's is outlook.com, all of a sudden I seem to be getting more 'junk' message's in my inbox folder. I went into the 'options' area and changed the junk mail filter mechanism from 'standard' to 'exclusive', that didn't work to my liking. By doing that..some of my 'recognized' good sender's message's went to my junk folder instead of my inbox. I'm really thinking that Microsoft might have some kind of 'bot' running loose in their mail server's ??
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 424
    Win-10 x86, Win-11 22H2, Win-11 24H2, V2

    Forever, going back at least 15 years I have used Outlook Express 6, and still do on XP.

    For the very short time I 'tested' Vista, I used Windows Mail, which I called O.E. on steroids.

    Then came Windows 7, and Windows Mail was disabled, but I found a way to RE-Enable it.
    "Windows Live Mail" was available from MS, but it is much harder to set up and then looks like CRAP!

    Through Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, I still RE-Enable Windows Mail, because it's the easiest program to set up and use, of all the email programs I've tested over the years. I also like that it puts all my mail, from five different accounts, on the screen at the same time so I can read it all without having to manually change accounts.

    The only email account that I leave on Web Mail, is Yahoo. That's my SPAM catcher!
    What a waste of good web space that is!!!

    Cheers Mates!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 6
    Windows 10 Tech. Preview

    I used Outlook Express followed by Outlook 2003, 2007, and 2010. I skipped Outlook 2013 and the entire 2013 Office Suite. I moved form Outlook 2013 to Thunderbird. I just moved from Thunderbird to Outlook.com since I was using Outlook.com anyway due to having a windows phone. I'm quickly migrating all of my email to the Outlook.com address. It's just cleaner that way, since the phone and pc mail are always in sync. I'm looking forward to seeing what the built in mail solution will be for Windows 10.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,625
    W7 Pro x64 | W10 IP x64 | Linux Mint VM

    I'm still running Office 2010 on my Windows 7 install and have just installed one of my Office 2013 copies onto Windows 10 to test. I couldn't live without Outlook.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 7,254
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    I have now given up on desktop clients and instead have all my emails routed through gmail.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 10,787
    Windows 11 Workstation x64

    I've been trying to find some love for Outlook 2013 over the past few weeks, however it's useless at syncing multiple imap accounts (I need to keep clicking in each inbox to see if it has mail rather than it just pulling in) so today I've reverted back my my trusty Outlook 2010.

    I did take a look at eM Client | Best Email Client for Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP
    last week and thought it worked very well, but it just seemed like a cheap outlook clone and I couldn't get used to it.
      My Computers


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