Can't download software in Microsoft Edge

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Can't download software in Microsoft Edge

    I upgraded to Windows 10 a month ago and now have the Microsoft Edge browser. Now every time I try to download a software program (anti-virus, CD burner etc) I get a message saying I'm not connected to the internet. I have tried everything! Not only can't I download anything, when I try to install the CD creator software I just purchased I also get a message saying it can't connect to the internet. I have tried changing my firewall settings, removing my anti-virus and trying to go back to Internet Explorer 10. Nothing works. Am I going to have to reinstall Windows 7 on my computer?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,834
    Windows 11 Home (x64) Version 21H1 (build 19043.1202)

    Udorn432 said:
    I upgraded to Windows 10 a month ago and now have the Microsoft Edge browser. Now every time I try to download a software program (anti-virus, CD burner etc) I get a message saying I'm not connected to the internet. I have tried everything! Not only can't I download anything, when I try to install the CD creator software I just purchased I also get a message saying it can't connect to the internet. I have tried changing my firewall settings, removing my anti-virus and trying to go back to Internet Explorer 10. Nothing works. Am I going to have to reinstall Windows 7 on my computer?
    When you upgraded I think it should of gone to IE11.
    Also on your burner what software is it.
    Also cant understand why it wont let you connect to the internet, I use only Edge and works ok for me.
    Before you started to try and download new software were you able to connect to the internet
      My Computer


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