WLM Error code 0x8000CC0F

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 10 Home X64

    WLM Error code 0x8000CC0F

    Good evening all:
    This is my first post with TenForums so I am not sure on the correct protocol BUT here is my question/concern:

    I have Windows Live Mail(WLM)/I am running Windows 10 Home X64. and it seems every night around 10:00 EST my WLM goes down-I can not send or receive any messages. When I shut don for the night and restart in the morning WLM works good. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now.
    Errors I am getting: 0x8000CC0F and Socket error: 10053.

    I checked the internet but could not find any good answers to this problem. Can anyone help?

    Thanks in advance

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,477

    What email provider are you using? Any Anti-Virus?

    0x8000CC0F is normally SSL. You need to check that SSL is enabled and that the port for SMTP is correctly defined within the account settings of WLM (often it can be either 25, 465, 527).

    Check and see if anything is changing the SMTP port (Avast mail shield can do this, perhaps some other security software).
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows 10 Home X64
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the reply. My email provider is 'provide.net' through my ISP of AT&T Uverse. I use Windows Defender for the antivirus. The problem seems to have fixed itself, or at least it seems to be working now. I suspect someone at provide.net was shutting the server down along with the lights at night-it was going out around the same time each night; it's a small company I have been using for years. ANYWAY it seems to be working fine now. Again thanks for the response.

      My Computer


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