Eudora compatibility with Win 10

  1. Posts : 8
    Win 10

    Eudora compatibility with Win 10

    I just upgraded to Win 10. I have used Eudora 7 because of it's ability to be versatile in my uses. I want to keep the app.

    Here are some issues I have found:
    Problems clicking links in emails - appears Win 10 is preventing links from working with none Microsoft browsers. Edge and MSIE work. Chrome and Firefox do not (when chosen as default browser).

    Email attachment links will not open as they did in Win 7. I can get around this one if I right click open with and have the needed app in the list, but it's a hassle.

    I am wondering is there are other Eudora users who have upgraded. What has been their experiences? I am trying to anticipate other issues which others have experienced and any solutions.
    Last edited by omegatx; 12 Oct 2015 at 06:50.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    EUDORA not connecting to YAHOO mail????

    Has anyone been successful in connecting YAHOO mail to the new EUDORA 7.1?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    Eudora 7.1 in Windows 10

    omegatx said:
    I just upgraded to Win 10. I have used Eudora 7 because of it's ability to be versatile in my uses. I want to keep the app.

    Here are some issues I have found:
    Problems clicking links in emails - appears Win 10 is preventing links from working with none Microsoft browsers. Edge and MSIE work. Chrome and Firefox do not (when chosen as default browser).

    Email attachment links will not open as they did in Win 7. I can get around this one if I right click open with and have the needed app in the list, but it's a hassle.

    I am wondering is there are other Eudora users who have upgraded. What has been their experiences? I am trying to anticipate other issues which others have experienced and any solutions.
    I took the "free upgrade" from Windows 7 Pro to Windows 10 Pro on my laptop on New Year's Eve. The upgrade went fine, and Eudora 7.1 works fine under it from all I can tell. Perhaps this is because I installed Eudora to its own folder c:\EUDORA and nowhere else. Other advice I have read about installing Eudora to any OS later than XP recommends that you not allow Eudora to install in Programs Files folders. Seems to work. I have been using some version of Eudora since 1995.

    I haven't found any trouble getting links to work in e-mails I view in Eudora under Win10. That may or may not be due to having installed it to c:\EUDORA. I have had some issues with my ISP who messed with their e-mail service's settings recently, but that was not Eudora's fault.

    Hope this helps!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8
    Win 10
    Thread Starter

    After some weeks, Eudora seemed to have solved all of the problems I had (or updates from Win 10 may have helped). So now everything works great. However, I have two additional laptops and one desktop I will need to update to Win 10 - all running Eudora. So your suggestion to install off C:\ is well taken. In the 90s and early 2Ks I had several PCs that used that arrangement. Do you know about the Eudora for Windows List (Eudora for Windows <>)? If you do, could you send an email to that address sharing your thoughts regarding the location of Eudora files. One of the most knowledgeable members of the list in Katrina Knight, She monitors the list. I would appreciate her thoughts on the alternate installation option. Thanks for sharing...
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2
    Windows 10

    omegatx said:
    After some weeks, Eudora seemed to have solved all of the problems I had (or updates from Win 10 may have helped). So now everything works great. However, I have two additional laptops and one desktop I will need to update to Win 10 - all running Eudora. So your suggestion to install off C:\ is well taken. In the 90s and early 2Ks I had several PCs that used that arrangement. Do you know about the Eudora for Windows List (Eudora for Windows <>)? If you do, could you send an email to that address sharing your thoughts regarding the location of Eudora files. One of the most knowledgeable members of the list in Katrina Knight, She monitors the list. I would appreciate her thoughts on the alternate installation option. Thanks for sharing...
    Most welcome. I hadn't heard of the Eudora for Windows List, but I will post my findings there as well. Thanks!
      My Computer


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