Tnx, Edwin, just this morning it was still in beta.
If you like the tabs below the address bar, this now seems not possible via about:config, but requires a suitable add-on. 'Restless Restart' also seems to be ineffective- there is an alternative addon that works.
CTR is working just fine here for the tabs on the bottom. Been using it ever since FF went with the tabs on top. Was originally running 32 bit FF, but when I switched to 64 bit CTR was already there and working.
I don't think I could navigate rapidly without tabs on top! For me, secondary navigation is all middle-click so, cursor goes all the way up to the edge of the screen, no zeroing in on X's, wheel-click some where in the middle of a tab at the edge of the screen.
css code brings tabs below the address bar but, with 'Australis' tabs, it looks terrible.
And that is why we use Firefox. You can customize to how you want it to look and feel.
Firefox is driving me crazy with, "Would you like to show notifications from this site"!
I can't seem to turn this off; anyone else having a problem with this? Edge doesn't seem to have this problem but I'm not ready for Edge yet.
This might work, i saw this once here but since then it went away.