That does sometimes happen... there are a couple of formatting quirks- like adding text after you've a URL shown in your post - e.g. when editing it, or changing back from italics or bold e.g.
You know about the protocol setting in the control panel; you can also try this if it's not been mentioned for your particular email client:
It just dawned on me that it happens when using Reply With Quote.
The seem to have "fixed" this in the Anniversary release by locking the MAILTO protocol down to MAIL. No other choices.
Does this help? This bit looks promising...[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\Google Chrome\Capabilities\URLAssociations]
It helps because it shows the methods needed to make your browser available in the MAILTO protocol - even with the Anniversary Update 1607, thus...
In the case of Firefox, a new String named mailto should be added to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\FIREFOX.EXE\Capabilities\URLAssociations with the value FirefoxURL (the same value as all the existing strings there). In addition, Firefox itself need to be configured to handle a mailto: by opening your chosen webmail service (or whatever else you use). For Firefox the relevant setting are found by the address bar - it should be straight forward adapting these instructions for another browser.about:Preferences#applications
Last edited by Bree; 22 Sep 2016 at 21:13. Reason: added: In the case of Firefox...
I'm not clear on whether I'd have to change the registry for every browser I use. I use Seamonkey almost all the time, and Firefox rarely and almost never anything else.
I tried that default apps mail protocol setting already, to no avail.