The web browser my dad uses for twitch is Google Chrome, same OS as mine, updated all the way, etc etc.....

Sometime in June, my dad will be heading up to NY to be with my mom for a few days, and he will be driving back in her 2015 durango, the reasoning is not important here. what is, is that my dad will MOST likely ask me to monitor the streamers he watches on twitch while he's gone so i can click the Green Points box thingy and redeem his points.....thing is, i couldn't care less about it at all, yet he WILL get [REDACTED] about it if i don't, so i thought "maybe ill get an auto-redeemer extension/userscript and have that do the thing". Thing is, i have seen a bunch of them (userscript wise), and a handful of them (extensions wise), and idk which one(s) still work and/or are trusted enough

So......any recommendations for an auto points redeemer for twitch streams (either in extension/userscript form) would be appreciated, please and thank you