I'd expect it to work, something the current one doesn't do on my last 2 computers.
I can't show my Comcast home page or a number of other pages I use, and it's been this way for several years.
I'm enjoying the Modern version of it. Only complaint I with it is that I can't configure Favorites to stay open like in the desktop version. However, the Modern one has a Read mode, which I find quite nice.
So much "yes" to this. I'm sick and tired of programs and ads telling me how great Chrome is. I swore off of Chrome in 2010, when it allowed a website to download a virus to my computer without so much as asking if I wanted to download the file or not. I just got the thing at the bottom saying it was downloading a file. I could not find anyway to remove the virus or fix all the damage it did (it made all exe files launch it instead of what ever program you were trying to use). Caused me to have to reinstall Windows 7 from scratch and lost me unrecoverable photos from my brother's bachelor party. Photos that only I had and to this day I still get people asking me if I have the photos still. It is my understanding this particular security flaw has been fixed, but still, when most people come to me with a web browser related issue, they are using Chrome and my advice is to them is always the same: switch to IE 11. IE 11 with enhanced protection mode enabled, all pop-ups blocked and MSE installed pretty covers me completely. I also have MBAM Pro, but it really hasn't done much in quite a while.
'Been a Chrome user since XP days.. no big issues. I feel that IE hogs my system all the time right upon boot up.
Downloading issues are not Chrome's or IE's evil work. It all depends on where you are getting your downloads from. Chrome, like IE, is just a medium. Not a direct source of download materials. Accepting or Declining any downloads (with all the unwanted bundled software that is embedded on it) is up to the user's judgement. Don't rely too much on browsers' security features. Be aware of what you are doing online at all times. Even IE has it's own security flaws. Maybe it just so happen that you were using Chrome at the time you got the virus and something has to be blamed somehow.
Last edited by badrobot; 27 Sep 2014 at 20:54.
Sorry for your lost photo's. Surly your must have seen all sorts of posts on these forums stressing backup, backup and backup again!